Gang Leader

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"Jordan we need to get out of here before he wakes up" I said.

"And how are we going to do that? We cant even get through that." She said.

"I know but we need to figure out a way." I said.

"I think I might know a way but its dangerous" She said.

"What are you thinking?" I asked

"We open the elevator door and climb up" She said

"Yeah that is dangerous but we have no choice" I said.

"Okay. Lets try this." Jordan said.

We walked over to the elevator door and both opened it with all our strength.

"This does look dangerous" Jordan said.

"It doesnt matter. If we are gonna get out of here we need to now."I said

"Okay. Lets get this over with so i can hide under a bed." She said

I looked at her funny.

"Why would you hide under a bed?" i asked curious

"Cause i just would okay. Ill be safe there"She said

I just looked at her and then focused on climbing up to the top of the elevator.

"Okay. Ill go up first and then ill pull you up." I said

"Okay. Be careful."She said as she hugged me.

I grabbed onto the ledge i saw and gripped it tight. I started to climb up but half way up i slipped.

"Oh my god Honey! Are you alright?"She asked panicking

"J im alright chill"i said

I started to climb up. I slipped a few times but finally got on top of the elevator. I kicked open the opening and it fell to the floor. I looked through and told Jordan to grab a hold of my arm. She walked to me and grabbed my arm. I pulled her up with all of my strength and  we were both standing on top of the elevator.

"Now what?" Jordan asked

I ignored her and looked up i could see an opening. It was a higher floor. We are definitely gonna have to be careful now.

"What are you looking at H?" Jordan asked

"Theres an opening to another floor up there. We need to climb up.

"Okay" She said

All of a sudden we felt the elevator shake.

"H we need to hurry" she said.

"Come on." I said

I walked over where i saw another ledge. I helped her on the ledge and then the elevator fell. I was going to fall with it until Jordan grabbed me.

"That was so close" she said

"Thank j"i said

We both started to climb up. It felt like forever till we got to the opening. We climbed through and were silent so no one heard us. It was floor 4 we ran trough the halls through each floor until i saw them. I couldnt breathe when i saw them.

"Oh my god!" Jordan whispered.

"I know."i said now angry

"Let me guess were gonna run out there and save him right?" She said annoyed

"Yes we are. you may not be willing to die but i am."i snapped

"Fine. Lets get this over with"She said

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