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I just got out of the shower and went to get my dress that i'm going to wear today to graduation under my robe at least. I got done doing my make up and put my dress on. It looked perfect. The make up matched the dress making my eyes pop. I looked amazing. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jordan in her dress. She looked amazing. Wow!

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"Wow! Jordan you look amazing

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"Wow! Jordan you look amazing."I said.

"You look stunning. I love what you chose."She said excitedly. 

"Thanks. Where are our robes and caps?"I asked

She walked to one of her shelfs in her walk in closet. She grabbed them. They were black and green. We put them on. I carefully put mine on making sure i didn't mess my hair up cause i just straightened it. we walked out of her room and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and she grabbed a bagel. Once we were done eating we took her car. She drove so i just sat in the passengers seat. Jordan noticed it was to quiet so she put on the radio and our three favorite songs came on.

We sang all the way to school and kept laughing once she parked the car. We got out and started walking. They are doing the ceremony outside since its so nice out. I saw a bunch of chairs and peoples family were on one side and students on the other. I kept thinking i wish my parents were here. Jordan wrapped her arm around mine and i smiled. We walked up to her parents and they hugged us.

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