Third Person POV
A cool night time breeze gently rustles against the branches of the Sakura tree, its soft petals threaten to break free from their restraints, meanwhile, two girls are seated at the base of the tree huddled together as the crisp chilled air of the night nips away at their exposed skin. They sit awaiting the return of the Shinsengumi members, they waited for what seems like days when in reality it had only been an hour. 1 hour. That is how long the Captains had been gone for, the girls sit pondering the obvious questions, are they alive? Have they been defeated, killed? No! They refused to believe that. Another cool breeze sends chills through their bodies and they huddle closer together in order to maintain their warmth. "Tori-S-San, maybe w-we should wait inside i-it's getting c-cold" Chizuru manages through chattering teeth. As much as Victoria wanted to protest she couldn't. Victoria wanted to wait to see the Shinsengumi members return with her own two eyes but the extent of the cold was too much, she reluctantly agreed to wait inside for the members to return. The two girls stood up brushing off their expensive evening attire and making their way through the courtyard to the common room. Before they made it out of the courtyard a ruckus at the front gate caught their attention. "Quickly get them to Yamazaki-Kun!" The girls recognised it as Hijikata's voice. In the split second that it took them to register that the Captains had returned they heard another voice. "Where's Tori and Yukimura-kun?! Did they make it back safely?" It was Sannan-San's voice. Both girls ran quickly to the front gate revealing themselves to be safe and sound much to the Shinsengumi's relief. But when the girls got there they saw something so shocking and unexpected that they couldn't even begin to comprehend what they were seeing, it was heart wrenching. Shinsengumi shoulder bloodied and passed out being dragged in by fellow soldiers, they had been cut up by a blade, who's blade was irrelevant. Heisuke had been knocked about by the looks of the bruises beginning to form on his face but he was still very much conscious. Exactly what had happened in the amount of time that the two girls were gone?
*2 months later*
Victoria's POV
It's been two months since the incident on my birthday and everyone still refuses to talk about what happened on that night, it annoys me to no end but I don't push on the subject. It's now may, the weather is warm-correction- the weather's hot which means there's no reason for Hijikata to keep Chizuru and I locked up in our rooms, he's got us on laundry duty instead. 'What a jerk off' I cursed mentally. That's right it's beautiful outside and Hijikata's got us doing laundry...Piece. Of. Shit. That man may be sexy but sometimes I wanna tear his throat out. "I have half a mind to tear a hole in every article of clothing he owns....and the other half agrees" I express in frustration. Chizuru gives me a warning look telling me she disagrees with that idea but I already knew better than that, I was just voicing my anger towards the demon vice-commander at the time. "I'd advise against that if you want to live another day" Souji commented with a small chuckle. I forgot to mention he was present as well as Saito. Souji sat casually leaning against a support beam on the wooden deck, meanwhile, Saito practiced with his Katana completely ignoring all aspects of our conversation. "I wasn't gonna do it" I grumbled under my breath. Souji had a habit of ruining my fun...I hated that. I went back to washing clothes alongside Chizuru, meanwhile, a silence fell upon our group. The only sounds were that of the Cicada's in the hot spring heat and the prominent swooshing of Saito's blade through the thick humidity. Although Saito had been at it for a little over half an hour, only now did his ministrations draw Chizuru's attention. I wanted to tell her to 'get back to work' and that 'these clothes weren't gonna wash themselves' but I knew she was simply curious so I let it go. Despite her being curious I knew very well that her curiosity only ever got her into trouble but in this case it would lead to her getting some freedom, with that being said I should probably play along.
The movements Saito was using to train were slightly similar to the ones Mr Wanabuse was teaching me so I was fairly familiar with them, so they made sense to me but maybe not so much to Chizuru. 'Just wait till I get my hands on one of those again. Ugh!! The anticipation is killing me!' I mentally groaned. I desperately wanted to continue my sword training even more so now that I'm here and have access to a proper sword master, no offense to Mr Wanabuse but we all knew he was no master of Edo era sword technique. Within all of my thoughts, I didn't notice I had stopped washing clothes and was now solely focused on Saito's movements, and it wasn't only me Chizuru as well was giving her full attention to the purple-haired Captains training. He suddenly stopped giving us both a side look. "Is there something you wanted to say?" Saito asked coldly. Although I knew the question was directed towards the both of us only Chizuru needed to answer so I allowed just that. At first, she was startled by the question but then she quickly composed herself by standing up and adjusting the apron she was wearing. "Well, actually...I was wondering if you'd let me go outside so I could search for my father" I inwardly snickered at her response. I mean, I was expecting it because I knew she was gonna ask the question eventually but I don't know why it was so funny to me when she finally did, oh yeah, maybe it was because I knew the obvious answer...NO! She was so desperate to search for her father and I felt bad for her, I basically gave up trying to find a way back to the future, there was no point in pursuing the answer I knew it would come in due time, I just had to be patient. "That's impossible" Saito replied seemingly uncaring. 'And there's the no' "A fair number of people are trying to kill the captain. We don't have any soldiers to spare to offer you an escort" The monotoned captain explained. "I see" Chizuru replied solemnly. "I could escort her" I chimed cheerfully, it was meant as a joke because I knew they'd never let me be her escort but it was worth a shot. "Fat chance! You yourself need like 6 escorts, there's no way we're letting either of you out of our sight" Souji retaliated cackling in the background. Chizuru's face fell even further which Souji noticed and attempted to fix through reassurance.
"Of course, you two might be able to accompany us while we run our rounds" That seemed to brighten Chizuru's expression. 'Good job Souji you actually did something right for once' I mentally praised. "Really?!" She exclaimed. "You'd actually let us go with you?" I inquired raising a brow at him in the process. "But we're risking our lives when we're on patrol. Some unlucky bastards get themselves killed" He explained, I cut in. "I'd do anything to see one of those unlucky bastards be Kazama" "Me too" Souji replied with a darkened expression. "At the very least, we need you to be able to defend yourself before we can take you anywhere with us" "So as to avoid what happened a few months ago" I clarified, Saito stopped his movements swiftly and Souji visibly stiffened. They both turned to me. "We don't speak of that!" Souji snapped obviously triggered by the comment. I jumped back slightly. "Jeez, sorry" I muttered in apology. "What he means to say is, it's a touchy subject that we best not bring up" Saito explained to which Chizuru and I nodded firmly. "I know the art of self-defense!" Chizuru exclaimed suddenly back on the matter at hand. Souji laughed almost hysterically. "Not with the way I've seen you hold your kodachi, princess here wields that thing better than you!" He mocked. 'Did he just call me princess?' "But I can, I'll show you" "Did he just call me princess?" I voiced this time. Saito gave me a sideways look but I was still confused as to what he meant by 'princess', he didn't actually believe the "claim" that I was a demon princess, did he? "But I've even attended a short sword dojo" Chizuru stated defensively. "In that case allow me to test you" Saito said firmly, he then looked over to me. "I've seen the aftermath of your training whatever it may be, I know you're capable of handling yourself to an extent" It was his way of saying I was good...I guess. "Not without a weapon, I can't!" I said exasperatedly, Souji made no effort to not laugh at my desperate expression. "We can't just go handing out swords to women that would look bad on our part. Sorry princess, but you gonna have to rely on us to protect you" I gritted my teeth in frustration. 'Here we go again with the 'princess' thing, he knows I hate that right? Probably, that's why he's using it. Stupid jerk face'
*Time skip brought to you in part by...Kick his ass Chizuru*
I figured I'd spare you the details of the fight and just tell how it went. Chizuru lost...big time but she put up a good enough fight that Saito deemed her worthy of carrying her short sword now all we needed was permission from Hijikata. That, my friend, was gonna be the hardest part. Oh! But do you wanna know something funny? Chizuru actually thought she was gonna hurt Saito if she used the sharp end of her blade! How funny is that?! She actually thought she could land a hit on him, hahaha! Fat chance. Even Souji died laughing. *Sighs from laughter* Anyway, It was funny how shocked she was when she lost, I mean, what did she expect? To win? In reality, it was the swiftness of his sword that amazed her, it made my jaw drop too. I knew he was a master at the quick draw but I'd never seen it in person...he was really quick! He told Chizuru to be proud of her sword master for teaching her adequate skills. It made me wonder just how good Mr Wanabuse would've been if he were to be a samurai in this era, Saito complimented me on my skills which means they must've been pretty good. In the end, Saito gave us both the okay to go out on patrols but it wasn't entirely up to him there was still one more person we had to go through to be able to leave. "S..So?" "Whoa! They still need to ask Hijikata-San for permission to take us out, don't go getting all excited just yet" I informed her, the smile on her face faded. "Oh, right" She said rather glumly as if she was expecting Hijikata to reject the idea immediately. She was in for a surprise then. "But...if you try and escape or get in our way while we're doing our rounds...we'll kill you" Souji replied rather sinisterly. "Well, Damn" I commented referring to Souji's lack of chill. Surprisingly Chizuru wasn't put off by this she beamed excitedly at the thought of finally getting to leave. "Okay!" She chimed cheerfully causing Souji to chuckled at her enthusiasm. Shortly after the two turned their backs she was struck with the realisation that they were doing her a great favour. "Arigatōgozaimasu" She bowed lowly, this time, it was my turn to chuckle at her.
I followed the two captains in shortly after their departure, Chizuru and I were soon escorted to Hijikata-San where we met for a short meeting. "You have permission to leave headquarters" Were the simple words that left his mouth but they were the only words Chizuru and I wanted to hear. We were so overjoyed, her because she could finally look for her father, me because I knew this was the beginning of all things interesting. I know it seems bad for me to anticipate the series of bad happenings that would occur but my life would be boring otherwise so I chose to look forward to the action. ""Arigatōgozaimasu"" Chizuru and I mused in perfect sync. Hijikata looked slightly taken aback by our synchronisation. 'Is that a blush I see?' Did Hijikata-San find our concurrent speech cute? 'Aww~ it made him flustered~' I mentally cooed. "But this is only on one condition...You must go with whoever's on patrol at the time and you must obey the squad leaders word of command, is this clear?" He looked at us sternly, mainly me. "Aww~ He knows I'm rebellious~" The words slipped out of my mouth incidentally, they were supposed to remain in my thoughts but somehow managed to escape my mouth. I attempted to recover from my slip up by adding a dismissive comment onto it. "Yeah, yeah, we get it! Sit. Stay. Obey" This caused Hijikata to send me a rather harsh glare but he continued nonetheless. "Souji, Heisuke, aren't you on patrol today?" Souji let a small chuckle pass his lips before he spoke. "Don't worry, I'll abandon them if we get surrounded by rogue samurai, okay?" I couldn't help let my jaw drop at Souji's comment. 'Excuse him!' "Absolutely not! That's not okay!" Hijikata informed him, he gave him a very stern warning glare. Souji chuckled. "Fine, fine" He sighed dismissively before Hijikata continued. "The Choshu have been acting suspicious lately. Honestly, this isn't a good time to be sending you two out but there have been sightings of someone matching Koudo-San's description" Hijikata informed. Chizuru's face lit up at the mention of her father's name. "You mean father?!" She was excited beyond belief but I couldn't help roll my eyes at her question. 'No, Chizuru, he meant mother' I thought sarcastically, I wouldn't dare say any of this out loud, though.
Everyone's eyes shifted to me with shocked expressions. My eyes widened with realisation. "D...Did I say that out loud again?" Everyone's heads nodded confirming my suspicion. "Crap" I cursed under my breath. "Forgive me for my rude comment" I bowed my head in apology. "Ah it's okay, Tori-San" Chizuru said as she patted my shoulder in an attempt to show that she had forgiven me. Hijikata lightly cleared his throat getting out attention back. "Anyhow, I doubt our search will progress if we don't take this opportunity" He explained. Chizuru bowed once more. "Thank you so much" We both stood to leave seeing as that was all he had left to say but I had one more thing to add. "And I suppose my only reason for going is because it's only fair, right?" Hijikata gave me an irritated look. "No, it's because your presence is starting to bug me, now go" He instructed. My mouth fell open at his bluntness. "What an asshole" I muttered as Souji ushered us out. "That's Hijikata-San for ya, always so quick to the point" "Reminds me of you" I stated nonchalantly. Souji gripped my shoulders halting me momentarily. He brought his head over my shoulder and close to my ear. "Now, see, this is why you get in should steer clear of it if you know what's best for you~" His tone was laced with a sickeningly sweet venom. He nudged me forward and I continued walking. "Does this mean you don't plan on saving me if I run into trouble?" I inquired. I wanted to know if my safety was guaranteed before I went anywhere with Souji. He held a thoughtful look for a moment before responding with a shrug. "Nah, there's more to lose if I don't save Hijikata-San will have my ass if you die on my watch" That was kind of comforting...I think.
*Time skip brought to you in part by The Souji Patrol-the real gangsta's of Kyoto*
As we patrolled I took it upon myself to watch Chizuru like a hawk. There was no reason for me to be out here so I could give all of my attention to her if need be. I knew she'd run int trouble at some point and I knew Souji wouldn't come to the rescue until after so I knew I had to watch her. I wasn't gonna stop the trouble from happening in fact, I would probably instigate a little bit but I needed to be there when it happened...Well actually I didn't but you know what I mean. I wanted to be there let's just say that. So one again, we were patrolling and every once in a while Chizuru would make a point to stop and ask strangers if they'd seen her father. None of them had recognised the man Chizuru was describing which made her less hopeful each time she asked, it was hard to watch which is why I chose to look at Souji when she began to pout, it was easier to bare when I was looking at his handsome face. It sounds cruel but it's true. And so we continued searching as we went along still nothing until..."Oh yeah, A while back I saw a guy like that around Masuya" A kind middle-aged man informed us pointing at a shop down the street. Souji stood a ways away but you could tell he was slightly interested as to where this would lead. "Thank you very much" She bowed quickly and took off in the direction the man had been pointing. Her sudden take off baffled Souji and he and I were about to follow when sudden shouting caught our attention. Souji was contemplating running after Chizuru or stopping a fight that was in the process of happening.
"Go, stop them and hurry to the shop, Chizuru and I are about to find trouble" I told him before rushing off in Chizuru's direction. It was difficult catching up to her especially when I was wearing a kimono, today probably would've been a good day to wear a yakuta but I had grown so accustomed to kimono's that I didn't bother complaining about their restrictions. "Chizuru!" I called after her. She turned around and stopped in her tracks the second she saw me. "I'm sorry Tori-San I didn't know you wanted to come with me" Chizuru voiced as I finally caught up to her. I waved her off as I caught my breath. "It's fine" 'Now as I remember, Yamazaki-kun should be watching from a tea shop nearby' I swiftly glanced at my surroundings noting the tea shop and spotting Shimada-kun sitting purposefully outside f the very shop we intended to enter. We made eye contact momentarily, I gave him a sweet smile and a curt nod, making it seem as though I were a simple lady being friendly on the street and not an acquaintance of his. Chizuru was blind to all of this thankfully. I followed her into the shop cautiously. I knew the warning look a was probably receiving from Yamazaki but it would blow his cover if I returned a reassuring glance. "Excuse me" Chizuru chimed as we entered the shop. I followed her close behind, I remembered a few of Souji's more helpful words previously that day...
"Don't ever stray too far from me understand?" I gave him an annoyed look. "Yeah, okay, I get it! You're the boss" I said in a rather dismissive tone, I was tired of being told to listen to Souji. Why did everyone think I'd just run off and do as I please, I wasn't Chizuru. "No, that's not what I'm getting at-" "Then what?!" I snapped impatiently. Souji scoffed at my tone and furrowed his brows. "I'm trying to keep you safe. There are some really shady people out there that prey on women like you, don't think for a second that they won't look at you so stay close to me"
Flashback ended~
Those were probably some of the most caring words Souji has ever said to me...can't expect that to happen again. Should've made that my Snapchat story...oh right left my phone on my desk...oh well. Anyway, where were we? "Yes? Can I help you?" The shop keep questioned sounding fairly bored, he didn't even bother to look up at rude. "Yes, we have something to ask, if you'll spare us your time" I voiced. A few men gasped as they saw us. "That brat! I just saw him with those Shinsengumi! The girl too!" A man, who I presume to be part of the Choshu clan, pointed out. "Hey, who you calling girl?! I'm a woman!" I defended. The man suddenly pulled his sword and began charging at us despite his friend's protests. Time slowed for me, in the amount of time it took for me to register we were being attacked I had already begun moving my feet but it wasn't in an attempt to found myself moving forward to get in front of Chizuru. I involuntarily unsheathed her kodachi just like I had the last time we were attacked together, this time, I didn't hesitate. My adrenaline took over my body forcing it to take some rather risky actions if I might add. In real time. The man lunged at Chizuru and I, me reaching for Chizuru's blade while simultaneously forcing her behind me. I knew Souji was supposed to save us but SCREW THAT I wanted to be the hero. I lunged forward to meet the man's sword which I did and boy was I not ready for it. The force of the impact had me stumbling back. It was not at all what I had expected, I mean I had never sparred against someone before so I didn't know what to expect but I thought it would've been easier than what it actually was. Boy, was I wrong. I was sent flying back onto my ass. The man laughed hysterically at my pathetic attempt and prepared to strike again, this time, my body wouldn't move.
"What a shame, such a pretty face, it's too bad you weren't very bright, we could've enjoyed someone like you...oh well" He laughed raising his sword. "NO!" Chizuru cried out for me. White flashed before my eyes as the blade came down on me, surprisingly I felt no pain. I opened my eyes. Literally centimetres from my face I saw a second blade stopping the first from cutting through my very existence. Souji. "O..Okita-San" Chizuru chimed in relief. Almost as if waiting for the opportune moment Souji overpowered the Choshu man, flinging his sword out of his hand while simultaneously nicking his hand with his blade. The man cried out in pain while clutching his hand. I was sat on the floor shaking in fear, once the adrenaline left my body I was weak and helpless. "What did I say about staying by my side at all times?" Souji didn't even spare me a glance. I was too frightened to answer and he could see that. "I-I-I'm S-Sorry" Was all I could muster, it came out as a quiet whisper but he had heard it. He sighed dramatically. "You two seriously don't have any luck" Souji spared my shaking figure a sympathetic look before continuing. "Of course...that goes for all of us" He finished now furrowing his brows at the men that attacked us. Chizuru made the effort to comfort me but I was too focused on Souji's actions to pay her any mind. In my eyes, Souji had every right to seek vengeance on these men. 1. They were the enemy. 2. They attacked two innocent girls without warning...well they probably thought Chizuru was a boy but still. At this the rest of the Shinsengumi men came bursting into the shop and can probably guess what happened from there.
Souji turned back around to face me, noticing I was still on the floor wallowing in self-pity. He sighed staring down at me with a small frown. "Am I gonna have to carry you back or what?" His comment threw me off guard. "Wha-?" "-I said, am I gonna have to carry you or will you walk?" He sounded a little more impatient this time so I decided I should probably answer him. "I can walk" I muttered. he nodded slightly. "Good, 'cause I'm not some knight in shining armour" He smirked. I resisted the urge to crack a smile at his remark. "Let's round these guys up and get outta here" Souji said offering me a hand to help me up, I graciously took it and stood up brushing myself off afterwards. Souji then turned and walked away. I picked up Chizuru's kodachi and handed it back to her. "Are you okay Tori-San, what happened?" "I wasn't expecting so much force from him, I got knocked back. I never fought a person before I didn't really know what to expect" I told her truthfully. She nodded in understanding and left it at that. "I feel so ashamed, though, even you held your own against Saito" I whined, she gave me a deadpan look. "Not really, he had his blade at my throat in under 10 seconds, I don't quite think that's considered holding your own" She replied sheepishly. Even with that confession, I didn't feel much better, I had still lost to that Choshu scum. From outside I could hear people gathering around the shop wondering what was going on, we were drawing a crowd alright.
*Time skip back at Shinsengumi HQ*
We were all seated in the common room after the Choshu men had been arrested and brought back for questioning. Amongst us, was Shimada-Kun and Yamazaki-Kun. Chizuru, Souji and I were seated in the centre of the room obviously for questioning. Hijikata wasn't here yet but he would be once he was finished interrogating the Choshu men. I hadn't really spoken since we left the shop primarily because I was embarrassed about the whole getting knocked on my ass thing. Nobody else thought anything of it because they thought I was just a weak girl, but I'm NOT a weak girl and this incident just made it seem that way all the more. My pride was dented and surely it would take some time to bring it back up. Meanwhile, Sannan praised us...mainly Souji for successfully apprehending both the shipment of weapons being held at Masuya's and the shop keeper Furutaka Shuuntarou himself, he was a Choshu spy. He was also praising us because we happened to stumble upon him which in the end helped them out big time. "They were really lucky weren't they?" Souji chuckled. "it's nothing to laugh about" Sannan scolded him. "If I'm not mistaken, Ms Rose almost became a casualty of this little run in and all because you weren't doing your job" Sannan looked beyond upset with Souji. The Captain himself had a saddened expression on his face now. "I was doing my job! I had to choose, it was either do my job or play babysitter, sorry if I chose the wrong one" Souji spat defensively. "No! You have to understand, your job was to watch those girls, to keep them out of harms way, you left them on their own and therefore were not doing your job!" Sannan countered like a savage. Sad but true. "Whatever" Souji mumbled under his breath. Sannan gave me an odd smile. "You weren't harmed so there's no need to fret, Tori" Sannan said calmly. "Yes, we're very glad you came back unharmed, the both of you actually" Kondo-San chimed in with a cheerful smile.
"I offer my sincerest apologies" I finally spoke, it was a solemn tone but I had spoken nonetheless. "What is it that you're apologising for?" Sannan questioned, quirking an eyebrow in the process. "For Shimada and Yamazaki-Kun, we interrupted their stakeout, for this I am terribly sorry" I bowed my head to them showing my apology. Yamazaki held a blank expression as usual. "Don't worry about us" He tried to reassure us. "The surveillance at Masuya's was stalled for a while anyway" Shimada-Kun informed. "But thanks to Okita-San, we could get Furutaka" He added in an appreciative tone. "And you two as well, thank you" Yamazaki thanked Chizuru and I. His words helped me feel slightly better. "Even still, who's idea was it to infiltrate the shop to begin with?" Sannan inquired. "Ah, that was my fault. I heard my father was seen, and without considering the consequences, I entered that place" Chizuru explained. "I followed her knowing the consequences, I take full responsibility" I informed them. They all looked to me with slightly shocked expressions. Then I heard Souji heavily sigh from my left. "No, it's my fault. She warned me that there was gonna be a fight in the shop and I still chose to leave them, I take the blame" My eyes went wide with the realisation that Souji was saving my ass once again. But why? "Well then, that's settled Souji, you will be reprimanded another time, as for you two, just know how lucky you are to be alive after such a run in" Sannan said sternly, we both nodded. "Some of that responsibility was also mine" A voice belonging to none other than Hijikata sounded from outside the room. Suddenly the screen door was opened and said man walked in. "As it was I who gave them permission to go outside, don't give them all the blame" He continued, shutting the shoji behind him as he entered.
I'd never seen a man own up to his mistakes with so much dignity before...It was HOT! "Hijikata-San, could you get something from Furutaka?" Sanosuke questioned, he must've been waiting for the information the entire meeting. I came to a realisation, I could've told them this entire time. 'I hope they don't figure that out. "I got something out of him but I doubt it matters I'm sure Tori-chan could've told you what I'm about to tell you" Hijikata informs them. 'Crap! He figured it out' I cringe at the sudden amount of eyes on me at once. I stared at Hijikata awkwardly hoping that by some chance he'd still tell them but nope he was waiting on me. I sighed finally. I gave in. "They're waiting for a windy day to set fire to the city" I said glumly. Even though Hijikata knew this already he looked stunned for some reason. "So you did know?" Was all he could say, a very evident glare staring me down. "Don't give me that look! Whether or not I knew the information Furutaka still had to be caught so be thankful I was even here to help" I huffed as I folded my arms across my chest. "She is right about that" Sannan inferred. I liked it when Sannan was on my side because Hijikata NEVER was. Not liking being ganged up on Hijikata simply grumbled something incoherently under his breath. "You left out a key point to them setting fire to the city" Hijikata pointed out gruffly. "What could that be?" Heisuke wondered. "Using the confusion the fire would cause as a distraction, the Choshu would then kidnap the emperor" I explained. "We should really sit down and talk about the things you know" Chizuru commented innocently. I gave her an annoyed look. "Oh shut up!" She was startled but my sudden snappiness. "Okay, fine! I'm gonna tell you now so you don't get pissed at me later, Ikedaya Inn" They all leaned in waiting for more. "Is that it?" Shinpachi queried scratching the back of his head in the process. "Yup" I replied popping the 'p' Everyone deadpanned.
"They're going to set fire to the city?!" Kondo exclaimed as if we hadn't already been through this. "They're planning to kidnap the emperor?" Heisuke pondered. I mentally screamed. "Yes! Is that not what I just said?!" I exclaimed frustratedly. "Well, geez, someone's temper's short" Heisuke commented. "You're short!" I snapped back at him. He jumped behind Shinpachi slightly. "She's scary, Shin" He quivered. Shinpachi laughed hysterically at his friends cowardliness. "She's harmless, be a man, Heisuke" He made an attempt to take his seat again only for him to flinch away when I fake lunged at him. I grinned with satisfaction and continued on with the rest of the meeting...'See, sometimes I do like it here'
A.N: Ahhhh! Finally, I know, I'm baaaaack! Camp was soo much fun, I experienced so many things while staffing at Blackdown this summer, some were good some were...not so good but all in all it was amazing. I made so many great friends, shout out to all my fellow D&C staff, anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, ciao~

Once upon a dream (Hakuouki fan-fic) (Hijikata x OC)
FanfictionVictoria J Rose started as an 18-year-old American girl currently serving her last year in high school as an exchange student in Japan. She's absolutely in love with the Japanese culture and everything that goes along with it. This includes the anim...