Victoria J Rose started as an 18-year-old American girl currently serving her last year in high school as an exchange student in Japan. She's absolutely in love with the Japanese culture and everything that goes along with it. This includes the anim...
The next evening the Shinsengumi marched out to Nijo castle to await the arrival of the Shogun with the exception of myself, Sannan-San, Okita and Heisuke of course. I cooked dinner for the four of us that evening and was currently heading to tell Souji that dinner was ready. When I got to his room I knocked only to receive no answer. I peeked in the room to find it empty. 'Huh, that's odd where is he?' I wondered although it was no surprise that he wasn't resting like he was supposed to be. I sighed heading back to the dining hall to ask Heisuke if he'd seen him. "Sorry, I haven't seen him, did you check by the back garden, he likes it there" The young male suggested. I shook my head. "I checked there on the way here, nothing" The shoji slid open suddenly and I whipped my head around anticipating Soiji to walk in but my face fell when Sannan-San appeared in the doorway. "Sannan-San have you seen Souji anywhere, I can't find him?" The glasses wearing commander looked at me simply. "I'm afraid I haven't but I can't say that it's unusual so don't concern yourself too much, Tori. He likes being left alone" I frowned but decided to leave it alone and enjoy my dinner with the rest of the captains while it was still warm. I small sigh passed Heisuke's lips and I looked up to find him poking at his grilled fish. He loves grilled fish.
On any normal day, he would've devoured it by now. Something was obviously bothering him. "What's wrong Heisuke?" "Huh? Oh, it's nothing" I furrowed my eyebrows at his tray of food. "You never play with your food so what's wrong, is it too salty?" "No nothing like that, your cooking is great it's just... I don't know- Do you think Chizuru-chan is gonna be okay out there? I mean- I know she's with the guys and Hijikata-San but still..." He trailed off looking down at his food. He was worried about Chizuru? How cute. I always found it adorable that he had a soft spot for Chizuru. I guess he liked having someone younger than him to look out for. Like having a little sister, but I think it's a bit different this time. A little crush perhaps. I grinned at the younger captain. "Hm, so you're worried about Chizuru" A light blush spread across his cheeks. "I-It's not like that!" He protested to which I only grinned harder. "Yukimura-kun is in no danger, I'm sure" Sannan piped in, casually eating his dinner. 'Yeah unless Kazama shows up- "SHIT!" I cursed out loud jumping to my feet and running out of the room. My sudden outburst startled Heisuke prompting him to get up after me.
"Hey, where are you going!?" Heisuke shouted as I took off into a sprint in hopes of making it to Nijo castle in time. I needed to find Chizuru before Kazama and his demon pals could do harm, not that they would anyways. The only thing I had to worry about was finding my way to them, something the anime wasn't good at illustrating was where everything was taking place. They somehow made everything take place in the most generic area possible so that you couldn't pinpoint any location without having extensive knowledge of the area. The only knowledge I had was that Chizuru would be cornered between two large stone brick walls, one on each side but I had never been to Nijo castle before so for all I knew every corridor could've met that description. "I'll be right back, don't wait up for me!" I waved at Heisuke who simply stopped chasing me and stood there motionless.
I jogged at a rapid pace but not so fast that I would wind myself before reaching my destination. Given the fact that I was wearing a nicely outfitted kimono and zori sandals it was NOT the easiest for me to run but I was managing.
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