Chapter 14

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*The next morning*

Victoria's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone's voice outside my room. "Get up. Now," Hijikata's voice demanded coldly. 'Jeez, what bit him in his sleep?' I wondered. "I'm up~," I croaked hoarsely. "About time. Did you think that you could sleep in just because I didn't give you specific instructions to get up at dawn?" The Vice-Commander pressed. I groaned, rolling onto my stomach to bury my face into my pillow. I barely just got up, and I'm already being scolded. And so early in the morning too. 'Wait, it is early morning, right?' "No. I-uh-just slept in by accident. What time is it?" I asked.

I was still lying in between my sheets, not quite ready to leave their warmth. "10:00." I inwardly winced at having slept in over 4 hours. 'Oops,' I guess I was tired. "I have something scheduled something today, so either get up or don't," He voiced sternly. I don't know why but I felt the need to fill my daily quota of annoying Hijikata-san. "Okay, goodnight," I replied cheekily, throwing the covers back over my head for dramatic effect. Little did I know that going back to bed wasn't actually an option. The door slammed open, and Hijikata stormed in with an angry expression. "Get up now!" I almost jumped out of bed, this time paying mind to my modesty. "Jeez, okay! I'm up," I mumbled. He glared down at me as he watched me put away my tatami and linens.

When I was finished, I turned back to him, but he just stood there waiting. "What?" He asked coldly. My eye twitched slightly at having to spell it out for him. I swear sometimes he really is a pervert. "Get. Out," I said slowly. Sure I used a condescending tone, but I needed to make sure he got the message. Obviously, he didn't like my tone.

"Tch, you better watch your tone," he growled. "I'm sorry, what I meant to say was, In 5 seconds, one of two things are about to happen. A) I'm going to start screaming again, or B) I'm going to start stripping, and you might not wanna be here when that happens, kay?" I explained, tilting my head to the side for good measure. Hijikata's expression faltered slightly, but he simply replied with, "You're bluffing" I smirked slightly. "5......4......3......" "God, you can't be serious," He voiced in disbelief. "2......1......" *SLAM!* My door slammed closed behind him. "And~he's gone," I smirked victoriously. "Victoria: 1| Hijikata: 0," I chimed cheerfully. "Now~let's get dressed."

*Time skip~ After having to change twice*

So after changing into a lightly lined kimono only to be told I'd need to change again. I scowled at Hijikata for having not told me beforehand. "Do you still have the clothes Saito-Kun let you borrow?" I thought for a moment before nodding and retreating back into my room. I rummaged through my trunk of clothes finding and adorning the familiar white and blue kimono and hakama. 

Once that was done, I began to let down my hair

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Once that was done, I began to let down my hair. It's been almost a year, eight months, I think, it's hard to remember, but since that time, my hair has grown longer. With no one to remind me to cut it, I've just been allowing it to grow out. Nothing wrong with that, I guess.

Once upon a dream (Hakuouki fan-fic) (Hijikata x OC)Where stories live. Discover now