Chapter 22

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A.N: LOL Teacup Toshi XD

Victoria's POV

"That's not good at all" Kondou-San hummed in thought. I'd told him about my encounter with Itou-San and we were currently in the middle of figuring out a good excuse or at least a better solution of dealing with Itou's future backlash and we were fairly certain there would be. A short sigh left Hijikata's lips. "At the moment there's nothing we can do about it, we'll have to keep a close eye but until he makes a move we can't assume he'll do or say anything" Hijikata voiced. I nodded obviously still worried but I at least trusted that I'd be well protected by the Shinsengumi men. "Don't worry, Tori, if you ever feel unsafe just know that Yamazaki-kun is always close by" Kondou reassured me. I hummed at the thought. I guess I could rest well knowing that. Yamazaki had been around headquarters more often lately, I think he was keeping tabs on Itou and his men. "Thank you, Kondou-San, Hijikata-San, I'll get back to Dr. Matsumoto now" I informed them gratefully before scampering off. I rushed back to the main hall where I was met with a long line of topless soldiers. As soon as I entered the room numerous eyes wandered over to me. Almost on instinct muscles flexed and men smirked attempting to make themselves more appealing. I mentally rolled my eyes. 'Men' I shook my head lightly and casually walked to where Matsumoto sat. Picking up a tongue press I gestured a random soldier over who had been waiting in line.

Many of the soldiers felt weary of me inspecting them but just the same many of them were more than happy to let me poke around at them, some of them a little too happy. "Uhm, hey Doc, I think I have this problem, I think maybe you should take a look at it" A random solder revealed. I quirked one eyebrow at him as if to ask him to be more specific, he coughed into his hand and motioned his gaze towards his groin. In my head, I was grumbling all sorts of profanities but on the outside I was calm. I knew just how to handle this one. "Any issues pertaining to the male lower region will be dealt with by Dr. Matsumoto if you wait one moment he will be right with you" I informed him sweetly. The soldier frowned slightly. "Actually I was hoping to have a second opinion" I feigned a worried expression and looked to the leading physician. "Oh dear, Dr. Matsumoto I think we have another one of those cases" Said Doctor gave me a sideways look and hummed. This had been at least the 11th soldier to pull this stunt on me and each time Matsumoto inspected them their goods were fine, so to say this was getting old was an understatement. "That's no good, Victoria, what on earth are these men up to get like this?" Matsumoto played along. "Will we have to amputate again?" I asked him, a mischievous tone laced within my words. A sigh passed the Doctor's lips. "Perhaps, give me one moment to finish up with this patient and I'll inspect him thoroughly and make a final decision" With those words the soldier's hands flew to his lap as he began to sweat nervously. "Actually, it's not that serious. Everything works fine I just wanted an experts opinion" The soldier rambled insistently. "Well if you're sure~" I sang sweetly. The soldier nodded his head furiously and scurried away. "Nice one, Doc" I praised. "Men" He sighed in obvious disappointment. "So immature" He added. I chuckled at his comment and summoned the next soldier.

Pretty soon I found myself staring down some of the more familiar faces, soldiers from the captains patrol groups, ones I've gotten to know by their names like Yuuichi Hayoshima a soldier from Heisuke's group. A quiet soldier who minds his own business but has shown great skill on the battlefield. Said soldier, however, I found to be suffering from what I concluded to be hives, there were small red bumps that were clustered together in multiple areas including his neck, arms, stomach and chest and they itched. "It's not scabies, that I'm sure of. You must be allergic to something and given the area of the outbreak it must be something that comes in contact with these areas in particular, can you think of anything?" I ask him curiously. He thinks for a moment but shakes his head unsure. "How about your clothing, bed sheets, do you use powder or oils after you bathe, perhaps a type of soap?" The male simply shook his head. "I've been using the same stuff as I had before the rash" He admitted. "What about your roommates, do they use anything out of the ordinary?" I wondered. "Akiro-San uses a new scented oil that his sister gave him but I haven't touched it" I scribbled down the information. "Alright, I'm going to give you a prescription for an antihistamine" I told him, his face went blank. "Anti-itch cream" I clarified to which he nodded. "Clean all of your clothes and sheets to ensure whatever it is does not continue to cause breakouts" I instructed. "Yes, Doctor, thank you" He bowed. "Eh, I'm not a doctor, just call me Tori-chan" I smiled at him. I could've sworn a light blush coloured his cheeks, maybe I was seeing things.

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