Chapter 9

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Victoria's POV

All of the Shinsengumi and their soldiers were gathered in the common room. The three leaders stood in front of the mass while the captains stood off to one side. I stood in the far corner with Chizuru, a bit behind Saito and Sano-San.

"It would be good if we could use them now," Sanosuke voiced suggestively, but his words were immediately countered by Saito, who seemingly thought otherwise. "They are not yet ready for the battlefield," Saito protested. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were talking about the Raesetsu.

Ignoring Sanosuke's suggestion altogether, Hijikata inquired about the Aizu's response regarding their next movement. Inoue revealed that the Aizu clan had still not made any move or given us any information as to whether they planned on dealing with the situation.

Hijikata-San became visibly annoyed by this. He was starting to get impatient, hissing out, "Damn, if we don't have definite evidence, they can't do anything. Kondo-San, let's depart."

Kondo-San issued his longtime friend an unsure look. "But we still don't know which inn is the correct one between Shikokuya's or Ikedaya's."

In the background, I groaned, pulling at the ends of my hair in frustration. 'I told them the answer to that already! Are they that dense?!'

My little fit seemed to go unnoticed by the group except for Chizuru, who gave me a look as if to say, 'You tried.' I leaned in a little closer to her to whisper, "I told them this already."

She nodded, signifying that she remembered, giving me a sympathetic look. "Should we say something?" She voiced quietly.

I shook my head, waving her suggestion off. "Don't bother; they never listen. Watch."

Clearing my throat to get their attention, I was completely ignored. Seriously? I looked back toward Chizuru, rolling my eyes at the captain's obliviousness. The young brunette sweatdropped, obviously unsettled.

"Hey, I'm gonna go out into the market—Alone—I may or may not be back," I drawled to no one in particular. No response.

"Fuck it!" After waiting for a response and not getting one, I shrugged, walking out of the common room. If they weren't going to acknowledge me, I was going to do whatever the hell I wanted.

I made my way back to my room after deciding that I was leaving headquarters and not to the market. I was going to Ikedaya inn to confront Kazama.

The angel on my shoulder told me to stay at HQ where it was safe—but that's boring as hell, so we weren't doing that. 'Hell yeah!' The little devil on my shoulder cheered, pleased by my insubordination.

'It's not like he'll notice,' She reasoned. 'Besides, we need answers from Kazama.' I nodded. This was true. 'Don't do it. We could get in so much trouble,' The Angel protested. This is also true.

'We could be a lot more useful around here with a bit more knowledge. Go ask him,' The Devil pressed.

'What if Kazama outsmarts us? Who knows what else that demon is capable of outside of what we know.' 'We know exactly what'll happen. He'll try to make us his bride. It's not that big of a deal. We can handle it; we've done it before,' My Devil reassured smugly.

Feeling a lot more confident about my decision, I dressed in a new Kimono, one that was a little more—dressy.

I knew how I'd be getting into the inn to see Kazama. I just had to make it believable. Nobody could turn down the charm of a woman—except maybe Hijikata-san, but he was a different breed that man.

 Nobody could turn down the charm of a woman—except maybe Hijikata-san, but he was a different breed that man

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Once upon a dream (Hakuouki fan-fic) (Hijikata x OC)Where stories live. Discover now