Chapter 23

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Victoria's POV

I finished cleaning up Hijikata's room and after serving him more tea he told me to take a break. I reluctantly left his room but gladly embraced the warmth of the sun that touched my skin upon going outside. The air was fresh here despite all of the dust being kicked up by the furious cleaning. I stretched my arms and back with a content sigh, all of the cleaning was starting to make my muscles cramp and my knees needed relief from sitting on the ground for so long. I looked my self up and down adjusting my kimono and dusting off any visible dirt. Maybe next time I'll get Chizuru to teach me how to tie a tasuki cord so that my sleeves don't get in the way. As I walked, nowhere in particular in mind as my destination, I spotted said girl. She was cleaning dishes one by one, the look of satisfaction clearly shown on her face, it made me wonder how such an innocent girl managed to survive in this otherwise cruel world. Girls like her needed people to protect her from the wickedness that would soon make them see the reality of things. She was oblivious for now and perhaps that was okay. I approached her smoothly and lowered myself to my knees. "Chizuru-Chan do you need any help?" I asked kindly. She looked at me quizzically. "You don't have to help, Tori-San, I'm almost finished, look" She gestured to the pile of already gleaming dishes and tea sets. I hummed in acknowledgement. "Ah, I see how efficient you are, perhaps I could learn something from you, I only just now finished cleaning HIjikata-San's room"

Pause. I know it seems like a petty move, trying to get a reaction out of her by bringing up Hijikata but hear me out. She's too naive sometimes and it's hard to tell whether or not my being here has affected her future relationship with Hijikata from progressing. That, as unfortunate for her as it is, was my main goal after all. I liked him too so it was only natural that I tried my best to gauge his affections too. On the other hand, Chizuru ended up with Hijikata without trying, they just naturally fell in love. I was hoping that in this scenario, Chizuru would see that I had a crush on Hijikata, either it would make her see that she had one too and cause her to become jealous or she wouldn't realize her feelings like a clueless girl, leaving Hijikata and I as the main love interests. By prodding at the subject like I was now, I would be able to see whether or not she realizes she had feelings for him.

Chizuru's attention fell on me as she stopped cleaning the plate currently in her hands. 'Interesting' But will she take the bait? "You were cleaning with Hijikata-San?" She repeated almost unsurely. I hummed in acknowledgement. 'Hook' "Well I was cleaning anyway, I had to keep making him tea to keep him quiet" I added nonchalantly. She raised an eyebrow curiously. 'Line' "Did Hijikata-San not want you to clean his room?" She wondered softly. I shrugged. "I doubt it was that I didn't find anything embarrassing...well maybe a couple of poetry journals but I think it was mostly because he really likes black tea, the last thing I wanted was to hear him cry about was how 'he ran out'" Maybe I exaggerated that part a little bit...but only a little. "Hijikata-San's favourite tea is Black tea?" She almost whispered to herself as if taking note of it for later. "Mhm, if he ever seems cranky just make him some Black tea" I informed her. She nodded firmly. I only told her that because it would be quite obvious that she was seeking favour from him if she did. The other captains didn't drink black tea so during meals if she went out of her way to make only Hijikata Black tea and the rest got the usual I'd know for sure. She quickly finished up cleaning the dishes and I kindly helped her carry them back to the kitchen where we sorted and stacked them neatly onto their recently cleaned shelves. She dismissed herself politely saying she needed to find Heisuke-kun and make sure he was alright.

I knew he was because I was the one who examined him much to his discomfort, he sure was a shy kid, especially for someone who acted so big and tough. Anyhow, I knew he had been faking his 'illness' due to not wanting to take part in protecting the shogun but I wasn't going to question him about it it was his choice after all.

Once upon a dream (Hakuouki fan-fic) (Hijikata x OC)Where stories live. Discover now