Victoria J Rose started as an 18-year-old American girl currently serving her last year in high school as an exchange student in Japan. She's absolutely in love with the Japanese culture and everything that goes along with it. This includes the anim...
*knock, knock, knock* I sighed softly, I was in the middle of getting dressed for school as usual when I heard a light knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in" I called out to which the person of the other side responded by opening my door. "Are you almost ready?" A head of short hazel hair and chocolate brown eyes peeked in through the door. Mina. Mina Wanabuse was the 16-year-old daughter of the family that agreed to host me while in Japan. They were a really kind family they even offered me my own room. I was really shy when I first met them, it wasn't that I was a shy person it was just that I was afraid my Japanese wasn't very good and I didn't want to embarrass myself. But nowadays I know I excel in Japanese, according to my grades anyways and so I've opened up to people more. "Yeah, just let me finish putting up my hair" I replied and then did so. I slung my long raven black hair into a high ponytail
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letting a few strands fall down the sides of my face. I had already gotten dressed into my school uniform identical to the one Mina wore.
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It was the Sakadono private academy's school uniform. That's right I go to a prep school. Once I was finished I followed Mina downstairs to collect the lunches her mother had made for us. "Bye mom, we're heading out" Mina called out to her mother who was seemingly making breakfast for us. "Already? What about breakfast?" Mrs. Wanabuse questioned her daughter. "Can't we'll be late" She said hurriedly slipping on her uniform flats. I did the same then looked back to Mina's mother. "What about you Tori?" She motioned towards the omelettes she was currently cooking. "No thank you, I'll be okay until lunch but thanks again for the lunch, Mrs. Wanabuse" She waved it off sheepishly. "No need to thank me, Tori, and please call me Okasan" She beamed cheerfully. Mina and I left shortly after that.
We arrived at the school in no less than 25 minutes, it was a pleasant walk and it didn't bother me to do it twice a day. Once inside the school I bid Mina farewell, she was in 2nd year meanwhile I was in my 3rd year so we didn't share any classes. Mina and I simply walked to and from school together as well as eat lunch in the courtyard together, she'd occasionally bring some of her friends along which I didn't mind either I suppose they were nice company. I made my way to my first-period class (Math) as per normal and sat down at my assigned seat, every class went by in a flash. After Math I had Japanese (which served as Japans form of English class), then I had Gym, Science, Home economics, and now I had History which was both boring and exciting. I loved Japanese history it was fascinating to me unlike all of the other students who already knew all about their country's history. It was exciting because right now we were learning about Japans ancient history. I was the most interested in the period where the Tokugawa government ruled, this was during and almost at the end of what I liked to call "The age of the Samurai" I became enthralled by the idea of Samurai, so much so that I even considered taking Kendo in order to learn how to sword fight but Mr. Wanabuse said he didn't like the idea because the sport was too brutal for women. That was a little upsetting to hear especially considering that Mr. Wanabuse himself was quite the expert in Kendo, he even owned his own Katana and Wakizashi which he kept on display in the living room. I decided to find another traditional custom that was more suited for women. I ended up looking into the art of being a Geisha. I didn't want to become a Geisha it was only because I was curious and I found it interesting. I found it fascinating that it took so much time and effort to prepare a Geisha, all the time spent putting on the traditional kimono as well as doing the intricate hair and makeup. Being a Geisha looked so tiring.