Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

Two bodies pulled away from each other's embrace, not paying any mind to the cool autumn breeze. Next to one another, their bodies felt warm in the tucked-away privacy, hidden by the expanse of gardens. The afternoon sun was high in the sky, reminding both that there was still work to be done.
The notorious Demon Vice-commander sent the younger ravenette away to bathe after their long training session. She would need to prepare for lunch alongside her younger female companion, so she was glad for the dismissal. She was also glad for the much-needed time alone that she would need to clear her head and gather her thoughts.

The Vice-commander, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. His mind was clear. A weight lifted off his shoulders. He had spent enough time mulling over his feelings for the girl over the past year—instance after instance—thought after thought, he finally concluded that he'd fallen for Victoria. Kondou had knocked enough sense into him to make him realize this. Hijikata never really thought about settling down or having a woman by his side. He never even gave 'love' a second thought. But when Victoria showed up with Chizuru, he began to feel curious~. How could two girls insist on fighting alongside a group of brutish samurai-like them and not just that but actually grow to see them as family. And then there was 'her' she was so...Hijikata couldn't describe it at first, he associated the feeling with annoyance but only because he had never encountered someone quite like her before, women were not like her. Hard-headed, vulgar, annoying, determined yet at the same time caring, playful, and sentimental. She wasn't deceiving. She didn't like mind games. She was to the point and easy to read—a genuinely different woman. Hijikata never thought this sort of woman would end up intriguing him. If this was the type of woman he fell for, fate was surely trying to punish him, he thought, smiling to himself.

Victoria's POV

I finished clearing the last of the dishes from dinner. It had been more of a task than usual without Chizuru. Apparently, Yamasaki has tasked her with something confidential. I knew what it was already, but I didn't pry. At least, she felt important in a way. That was good. I sighed, wiping at the droplets of soapy water along my forearms, wiping my hands off on my apron before taking it off. The water reached a boiling point right on time. As the tea was steeping, Chizuru sauntered in. "Oh, there you are. The Captains called a meeting," she informed me. Without looking at her, I nodded my head. "I know. I told them I'd bring tea," I said almost bitterly. I don't know why my tone was so venomous towards her. There was really no reason for it. I just felt—I don't know. When she informed me of things, it felt like a child was nagging me, which sometimes irritated me. I blame woman's hormones.

"Oh. Here let me help!" She chirped, jumping in to help set the cups on the tray. I didn't answer just let her prep the tray while I cleaned up. She put the second teapot on the tray, but I stopped her. "That one's Hijikata-San's. Leave it with me. It needs to steep longer," I instructed casually. She nodded, placing the porcelain teapot back on the counter to my left. I watched as she left to go to the meeting to serve tea. she was probably better at serving than I was. It wasn't taught to me at a young age. I learned the tea ceremony and how to serve customers at the Okiya, which is not something I really strive to accomplish here, so I don't think much about the etiquette involved, unlike Chizuru. I guess it's just natural to her.

I pause, wondering if I'd make a good wife one day. 'Not to anyone in this time,' I thought. My morals and ideals are too radical for people here. Hijikata was right. I would never receive the respect and freedom that I desire here. 'From him, I might' I instantly shook off the idea. Getting married was too far-fetched here. "Get your head in the game, Victoria," I reminded myself, pulling the steeped black tea onto another tray. I placed the cups and made my way to the hall, where all the Shinsengumi captains waited.
When I got there, Chizuru was already serving the tea. She seemed oblivious to the tension in the room, but I picked up on it. Sanosuke seemed bothered, and Shinpachi appeared troubled as well. Inoue-San looked disappointed, but he quickly smiled after seeing me enter. I didn't fall for it, though. Fake smiles can easily be seen through.

Once upon a dream (Hakuouki fan-fic) (Hijikata x OC)Where stories live. Discover now