Their Weaknesses.

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I knew they were back at dusk but it was 11pm and still no sign of Aaron. I sat by my window watching the gates, hoping they'd open and Aaron would run in. I needed my best friend, I needed his words and especially his hugs.

Soon 12am rolled up and I was nearly snoozing in my chair, I rubbed the dribble off my face and decided maybe it was time to close the curtain until I saw headlights pull up and heard makes talking.

"Aaron!" I squealed. I watched the gates as they opened to see Aaron and Zak strolling up the driveway.

Just looking at Zak my heart fluttered, he was so unexpected. I truly did not except him to have this effect on me, my heart, my mind and my feelings.

"Is she still living here?" Zak asked Aaron, I smiled knowing he wanted to see me.

"Yea, her car is right there. She'd be asleep" Aaron quietly unlocked the door but I ran down the stairs jumping straight into his arms.

"Hey!" I screamed. I dug my face in his shoulder and held him right. "You're back." I muffled.

I looked up to see Zak standing behind Aaron so tall, I wanted to reach out and grab him close.

"Roni what's wrong?" Aaron put me down, I was so lost looking at Zak I didn't realise tears had started to stream down my face.

"I. Don't really know." I held Aaron's hands as I tried to figure out what was really wrong; Carter being here, my gran or maybe Zak? "I don't like to be alone." I looked at Zak who's eyes were saying a million things, they were comforting and safe.

"Roni?" Zak spoke deeply. I still stood clutching Aaron's hands, I was having a huge mind blank starring into Zak's eyes. I wonder what I look like in his eyes.

"Ugh I missed you guys!" I shook my head and smiled. "How was everything?"

"Crazy. But we'll discuss that tomorrow." Aaron yawned and he headed straight upstairs. "I'm tired." He called out. It now was just Zak and me, standing only inches away from each other.

"I missed you so much Zak." I stumbled closer to him. "Stay with me tonight?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiled and came down kissing me, he picked me up carried me to my room. I still had my lips locked on his and my hands wrapped around him.

"Let me change first" he sat me on the bed and I crawled under the sheets while he went into the ensuite. I could hear him pulling off his pants, then his top flung into the room and I scooped it up and changed into it getting rid of my top and pj pants.

"Let me get in, it's cold." He shivered. His cold body wrapped around mine. "God you're warm!" He moaned.

"What's bothering you?"

"My gran is sick." I tossed over to face him. "I left her alone in Vegas and went to Seattle." I swallowed hard. "Now she isn't well, she is dying Zak." I tried to hold back the tears but it wasn't working.

"It's not your fault. These things happen" he sighed and pulled me in closer to him.

"Zak I'm confused, broke, frustrated and somehow with all those emotions I'm sad. I don't know what to do, every aspect of my life is complicated." I grunted in frustration.

"Be confused, it where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it's where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it's here you start to make authentic decisions. Be whatever Roni, feel whatever but just know you're worthy okay. Being these things can change you, so be anything but sad because--"

I broke him off my kissing him again, the words that came out of his mouth soothed everything. I lifted my leg over his leg and rolled him into me, he was soft and gentle just what I needed.

"Zak" I panted.

"Roni" he answered back.

"I need you now more than ever, I want you but maybe right now I just need a shoulder?" I knew it was my idea to kiss but his friend downstairs was poking upwards and I wasn't in the mood.

"It's okay, I'd like to take my time with you." He kissed my neck. "Every inch of you." He smiled and rolled back next to my side.

"Roni?" He called, I hummed in return as I was about to sleep. "You're my weakness."


Aaron's POV.

I was so thrilled Roni was back in Vegas, separated from that dick Carter and now living with me where she belongs. We have a long history between us and a lot of love, she will always be the one that got away. She is my weakness.

It was good to be home after such a painful lockdown, not only were the spirits in fine form but so was Zak. He hasn't been the same ever since Roni came back, but who could blame him? He had the biggest crush on her, still does and Roni still doesn't know or believes it.

Zak isn't like most guys, he goes from chick to chick, no commitment, no feelings. He doesn't need them but Roni has always been different, when she was living here with Carter, Zak would constantly have a 'girl' just so he was distracted away from Roni. It was kinda enjoyable to see Zak in a mess.

I woke up this morning to see Zak still at my house an in Roni's room but no Roni in bed. I shuffled myself downstairs to see her outside by the pool, she looked like she was in deep thought so ofcourse I'll see what's up.


"Aaron!" She pushed herself up and hugged me, she lifted herself onto me and I held her legs and wrapped them around me. "I've missed you."

"Me too. Now, what's up?" I raised my eyebrows at her giving her the stern look.

"Gran." She continued to rapidly blink so she wouldn't cry. "She's um" her voice was beginning to choke.

"Roni" I hugged her tighter. "Breathe, we can talk when you're ready?"

"She's dying." She whispered. I freaked. Granny Eliza was amazing and you had to love her she was that adorable. Eliza raised Roni when her dad past away and the mother walked away from Roni, Eliza has protected Roni from all the bad in the world. That's why Roni is such a caring person, she was raised right.

But with death comes a lot of issues, Roni is loosing her family, there's no one else but Eliza. "I'm going to be here for Roni, I love you and whatever you need I'm here." I reassured her I wasn't going anywhere, Zak would need to be careful on Roni now.

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