Chapter 6

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Daisy POV

We're running to find the boys now since we've found like 4 bodies already. We need to find them before we're all goners!

"This way!" Peach whispers.

"Is it chilly in here or what?" Rosalina folds her arms around her chest and shivers.

"Wait guys stop for a sec," I say.

They stop and look at me with questionable looks.

"You hear that?" I ask them.

"Wha," Rosalina says.

"Is that the air conditioning?" Peach goes over to a vent to check.

"It is," she looks up at us.

"I thought the power was out and your heat," Rosalina says.

"It is..."Peach gets a worried look on her face.

"Someone turned on the air conditioning?" I ask.

"How did they do that?" Rosalina shutters.

Peach runs over to the thermostat on the kitchen wall and reads it.

"It's at 63 degrees and is slowly going down. I don't know how they turned it on, but they did," Peach whispers.

"The killer's trying to freeze us alive?"

Peach nods.

I look over at the walls. There's a vent. There's another. And another. Wait woah, woah, woah. What was on that one?

I walk over to it and crouch down. It's a sticky note.

"Guys, there's another one."

The other girls swiftly come over and crouch down beside me to read along.

Have you been wondering what I want?

"Umm what's this supposed to mean?" Rosalina asks.

"The killer wants something but we don't know what it is," Peach states.

"I think we need to find the boys first before we turn into popsicles," my teeth chatter.

"Ok let's go," Peach stands up.

Rosalina and I stand up too, and then we start our run to find the boys.

Wario POV

Yoshi just comes running in with his big mouthed girlfriend and tells us we have to leave because there's a killer on the loose.

What. The. Crap.

"What?" I ask.

"We found Diddy dead in the kitchen," Birdo shivers bringing the image back into her head.

"And I'm guessing you guys don't wanna die so we should probably GET THE HECK OUTA HERE," Yoshi fumes.

"Wait Diddy's dead?" Boo asks.

"Sadly yes," Yoshi looks down to the floor.

Then Yoshi sees Koopa.

"How'd Koopa get eaten by a shark?!" Yoshi exclaims.

"We don't really know.." Waluigi trails off.

"It must've been the murderer's work," Birdo says.

"You expect me to believe YOU didn't do this Birdo?" I growl.

"I didn't do anything Fatio," Birdo hisses.


"Break it up you morons," Bowser rolls his eyes.

"At least I don't look like a bowling ball," Birdo snorts.


"Wait guys where's DK?" Luigi panics and looks around.

We all stop talking.

"Oh no," Mario runs around looking for him.

Everyone goes into search mode to look for Donkey Kong.

Ugh this cannot be happening.

Rosalina POV

We run through the tennis court, basketball court, baseball field, and finally see the others in the aquarium. Oh thank goodness. But when I approach them, there isn't a look of happiness on their face. There's a look of panic.

Peach runs over to Mario.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"DK is missing!" Mario keeps looking around.

I walk around the broken glass with a shark?... and IS THAT KOOPA?

"What happened to Koopa!?" I ask.

"Wario broke the glass and when all the water was out, we found Koopa in the shark's mouth," Mario said.

"That's terrible," I say.

"Wait does anyone actually know what's going on?" Bowser looks around.

Everyone keeps looking for D.K.


"Our search party found Toad, Toadette, Goomba, and Drybones all dead. There were multiple notes from the killer that we also found. The power went out and the temperature is slowly going down too. We don't know what he or she wants, but if we try to leave or call the cops, everyone dies," Peach explains.

"We also found Diddy dead," Yoshi told Bowser.

"Diddy's dead?" Daisy said shocked.

"Yes," Yoshi looked down.

"Well that puts things into perspective. Everyone's dying and we're next," Bowser throws his hands in the air.

"Not necessarily. Our close friends might be gone, but that doesn't mean we can't find a way out of this," I tell everyone.

"Hey guys!" Mario says warily from the other room.

"You might wanna come look at this!"

Everyone looks at each other confused and start to walk over to the pool room.

Daisy goes around the corner before me with her phone light. After I get around the corner, I follow the light of the flashlight and it leads up to something on the wall.

Something I want

It was written in crimson blood. Daisy shines the light around and sees something in the water.

DK's body.

So many deaths!! Ahhhhh😱

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