Chapter 17

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Peach POV

Drybones started to walk over to us, smirking as he waved the sewer grate around.

"Peach stay over there," Mario told me as he stepped ahead of me.

"Protecting your little lady friend now aren't you?" Drybones taunted.

"I'd do anything for her," Mario glared straight into Drybones' eyes.

Then he stopped.

"Well if your looking for a fight," he stepped another foot ahead, "then I'll give you one," he growled as he swung the heavy metal at Mario's head.

Ducking, out of the way, Mario caused the cover to hit the wall, instantly crumbling it into bricks and chunks of rock.
Mario then rolled to grab a brick,  picked it up and smacked Drybones across the jaw. The brick shattered into hundreds of fragments, as Drybones was thrown back onto the concrete floor. His head was bent in an unnatural way, to which Drybones grabbed both sides of his face and slowly cracked it back into place.

"Uh oh," Mario gulped nervously.

"There's no where to run Mario," Drybones slurred while picking the grate up again.

"Peach, go to the latter! I can hold him off!"

No... no it can't end like this. I won't... I  will not let it.

"No Mario, I'm staying here," I said determinedly.

"Awh, what a sappy love story! Two lovers heading for a dead end," Drybones derided sarcasticly.

"Though, don't we already know," Drybones took a few steps forward, "that you're both going to die anyway?"

Drybones swung swiftly at Mario, and just like that, he was flung across the cavern.

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed as I ran over to him. His crumpled body laid helplessly on the floor, barley breathing.

"Give it up princess, you won't have much to live for after I splatter his brains all over these sewer walls," Drybones shrugged sympathetically.

I placed my hand on Mario's face and brushed back his hair. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, I knew I couldn't watch him die.

Whispering, "I love you," softly into his ear before giving him a kiss on his head, I turned towards Drybones with the most fury I have ever felt.

"Oh you poor things, saying your last goodbyes before I kill you," Drybones humored with an evil grin.

"It's me that you want," I said angrily.

"Yes," he said with the tilt of his head, "but... I want to make sure I kill him in front of your very eyes," Drybones joyfully explained.

"Then I'd never tell you where my crown is,"  I remarked.

"Actually, I already have it," Drybones said while reaching between his ribs to pull out my crown.


"Easy, I was spying on you when you hid it behind that idiotic painting," Drybones rolled his eyes.


"Well, now that I have the three crowns," Drybones chuckled, "it's show time."

Pulling out Rosalina and Daisy's crowns, he set them on the floor in a triangle. The crowns started to illuminate bright sparks of gold, as an unexpected wind blew over us. The crowns rose into the air, and started to spin around, then coming back down to the ground as one.

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