Chapter 9

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Yoshi POV

Birdo just DIED. All I did was stand there, helpless... weak.

And to think I was supposed to protect her.

Is death going to take her away from me just like that? I guess so. Even though she might have been a pain to everyone else, I saw a light in her. A light that now flickered out right before my eyes.

I come back into reality, a look of dispair on my face towards Drybones. When he asked us if we wanted her same fate, we all just went quiet. Nobody wanted anything to do with the heart retching death Birdo suffered.

I closed my eyes and a single tear drop rolled down my cheek. I looked to the rest of the group, solemn grief was existent in everyone's eyes.

Just then, I don't know what went over him, but Mario just sprints out of the room. We all take a glance at each other and know what we have to do too.

Run away with him.

I felt like a coward but also safer now that I wasn't in Drybones' grasp.

We follow Mario hastily, to flee as far away from Drybones as possible.

I can hear a slight voice from behind us. Not a yell or scream, just a statement.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Waluigi POV

We all huddle close to the wall of the far side dugout. I grabbed a towel on the dugout wall to wipe away Wario's throw up.

"Guys, what are we supposed to do?" Luigi said quivering.

"Well there's a killer out to get us so I mean there's really nothing left to do," Bowser grumbled and folded his arms.

"We can't just sit here and wait to die!" I said angrily.

"I mean we could.." Bowser trailed off.

"I'd rather not," Peach stated.

"Let's gather some weapons and beat the thing to death!" Wario exclaimed.

"We can't do that! He comes back together again, remember?" Mario asked.

"Wait, what about ice?" Luigi questioned.

"That could actually work," Mario smiled over at Luigi.

"We're gonna need an ice flower or something," Daisy said.

"But Drybones has the thermostat already down to cold, why is he trying to die?" Rosalina asked.

"I think he has it at a cold temperature right now, but it's exactly what he needs to stay strong," Peach explained.

"Well ice isn't going to work then," I huffed.


Oh crap where'd they go? Just a little bit ago, we all fled from Drybones. The bad thing is that I don't fly that fast, so by the time they went around one corner, I didn't know where they went.

I walk over to the dining room, nobody in there. I make my way over to the kitchen.

Maybe one of them went into the fridge.

I opened the door quietly and flew through the isles of food. I spotted another door behind a couple of tall boxes. I moved them aside ever so slightly and turned the knob.

I went inside and squinted to try and tell what the room was. There was a small opening with a flicker of light. I flew in, went up to the light, and then realized it was a flare of fire.

Just then the flare burst up into a giant flame. I flew backward and hit something.

I turned around and there was a door where the opening once was. Oh no.

I'm in an oven.

A bulb from up above came on and I peeked through the grates to see a figure standing there.

My eyes adjusted and I could see him clearly now.

Drybones gave me an eerie smile and waved to me.

The flames behind me grew hotter and larger by the second.

"Drybones let me out of here!" I yelled.

"Well you see, Bowser always liked you better for some reason. So, I'll just have to dispose of you." He looked at me with disgust and shook his head.

"I thought we were friends," I said.

"Oh, we never were," Drybones' smile gleamed from the fire light.

I drew back from the gate and turned towards the fire.

"Ack!" I covered my eyes and face.

Drybones came over to the switches and turned the heat up to 450 degrees.
The fire erupted to an even bigger flame, getting closer to me by the second.

"HELP!!!" I screamed.

"Oh, nobody can help you in time before I burn you alive," Drybones turned around, opened the door and slammed it shut with a click of the lock from the outside.

I fumbled with the door of the oven, urgently trying to open it. No budge. Excepting my fate, I waited in horror for the fire to cascade around me...

Bowser POV

"Hey did you guys here that?" I asked the group suddenly. I heard some kind of noise but I'm not sure if I just imagined it.

"Uh no?" Wario looked at me like I was crazy.

"I swear I heard something," I pondered the thought of what it could be. An animal? A neighbor? No that's not it.

"Drybones?" Rosalina asked.

"No, I don't think he would scream," I stated.

"Is everyone here?" Peach questioned, slightly worried.

"Yeah, why wouldn't... there... be," Yoshi's face turned white.

"What Yoshi??" Daisy asked frightened.

"Peach, Daisy, Rosalina.. Me, Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Boo," Yoshi eyes flickered around the group.

"What is it?" Waluigi asked.

"Boo... Boo...Boo" Yoshi murmured while rotating around lightning fast.

"Guys, I think that scream was Boo," Yoshi concluded with terror.

"Oh my gosh, Boo!" My eyes got big and I started to look around.

"Are you here Boo?" Luigi asked panicking.

No answer.

"This isn't funny Boo," Mario crossed his arms.

No answer.

"C'mon guys we need to find him!" Rosalina started to run off.

Everyone trailed right behind her, I stood still thinking.

"You coming?" Wario asked me.

"Yeah," I shook my head from the daze and followed after the group.

Oh no!! Not Boooooooo!! 👻 Well, I hope you liked the chapter! Stick around for Chapter 10 >:)

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