Chapter 11

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Rosalina POV

When Bowser and I are done checking through the right side of the fridge, we come out into the kitchen. Shortly after, Wario and Waluigi also emerge.

I hover over to Daisy who is peeking inside a closet, her whole body practically submerged.

Tapping on her shoulder, I ask her, "You and Peach done in here?" The room looks pretty rummaged through.

"Yup," she leans out of the closet, smacks her hands together, getting dirt all over the floor.

I look around to find Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi step out of the fridge door. Luigi shuts the door softly, making sure not to make any loud sounds.

"We found some ashes in the furnace that we believe to be Boo's," Yoshi said sadly.

Expressions of remorse spread around the room as well as sobs.

"No..." Bowser put his head in his hands as Rosalina patted his back.

"Where's Peach?" Mario asks after looking around, finding everyone but her.

"She's over by the," Daisy looks over to the kitchen, scanning over it. "Cupboards," she said, a confused expression surfacing onto her face.

"Hmf,"she shrugged. "She was over there, maybe she went to the bathroom or something," Daisy suggested.

I floated over to the kitchen area and checked. No Peach.

"You and you," I pointed to Bowser and Yoshi "Go check the bathroom," I ordered.

The two scrambled quietly into the hall. A minute later they came back empty handed.

"No luck?" I asked worriedly.


"Didn't see her."

I inched around to look at Daisy. She was sitting there, trying to not look guilty, but I could tell she was hiding something.

"What are you so guilty about?" I glared at her.

"Nothing at all," Daisy put on an erie smile, beads of sweat slowly running down her face.

Mario walked over to Daisy and slapped her straight across the face. Hard. I gasped in surprise, I knew Mario wouldn't just slap a girl.

Daisy threw her hands to her cheek and gave Mario a dirty look.

"What did you do?" Mario hissed.

"I said I didn't do anything."Daisy said quietly.

Mario slapped her again, her cheek reddening.

"That's enough Mario," Luigi said, trying to calm him.

"TELL ME!" Mario ordered her.

"Okay." She breathed slowly. "I ignored the fact that we should stick together because nothing bad is going to happen." Daisy folded her arms.

Mario gripped her shoulder tightly and growled," Now, do you really believe something bad didn't happen?"

I saw her freeze, probably just now realizing what could have happened to Peach. But, she just stayed frozen.

Luigi tapped her lightly on the shoulder. Her head twitched twice and her hand jolted for Luigi's neck.

Holding him up with one hand, she simply said, "Peach can take care of  herself."

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes and surprise.

"Daisy what are you doing!?" Wario yelled.

"Put him down!" Mario snarled.

Luigi's face began to loose its color as Daisy tightened her grip. Gasping for air, he held onto her hands.

"I said, put him down," Mario said in a low tone.

She crooked her head to look at him and gave the most forced, horrifying smile I'd ever seen.

"What has happened to you?" I asked her angrily.

Mario threw a kick, heading straight for her stomach, as she acted fast and threw Luigi across the room with such force, that she could break through a concrete wall. Right before the kick hit her, she caught his foot and twisted it painfully.

Mario cried out in pain as she pushed his leg even farther, and then the snap of bone broke the fiery tension. He crashed to the ground with agony. Gripping his leg, Mario breathed uncontrollably fast.

Small sounds of coughing could be heard from where Luigi was thrown.

I whipped out my wand and shot her with a swift spark, sending her flying into the wall and sliding down to the floor.

Purple and black wisps of smoke swirled around, her body instantly melting into a black puddle on the ground.

"A cl..clone," Yoshi stuttered.

"That has to be Kamek's magic," Bowser growled.

Wait, if that's not the real one...

"Where's the real Daisy?" Waluigi blurted out.

Just then, a high pitched scream was barely heard in the distance.We all looked at each other and instantly knew.

"Bowser, go grab Mario, and Yoshi, you get Luigi," I ordered. " There's a first aid kit in the second cupboard. Make sure they both get the medical attention they need."

"Got it," Yoshi hastily said as he rushed over to help Luigi.

"Make sure it's fast because when you're done, start your search for Peach," I added.

"Okay," Bowser said while lifting Mario off of the ground.

"You dimwits," I pointed at Wario and Waluigi.
"You're coming with me, we need to find Daisy."

"I don't really like Daisy, so I think I'll just stay here..." Wario inched away.

"Oh no you don't," Waluigi grabbed Wario's shirt and heaved him back.

"Let's go boys!" I jolted into a sprint. Hearing the others' footsteps behind, I traced back where I heard the noise from and which way we needed to go.

Peach and now Daisy? Oh.Crap.

Oooooo what will happen to Peach and Daisy?? Stick around for chapter 12 to find out! 😱

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