Chapter 13

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Rosalina POV

As Waluigi and I weaved through the mazes of hallways, we had almost made it back to the kitchen when I saw glimpse of something in a doorway.

Hey, wait...Come here for a sec," I told Waluigi, slowly creeping around the corner of the door.

As I peeked my head into the room, right in front of me were two glowing red eyes.

"AGHHH!!!" I screamed as I stumbled out of the doorway.

"Hello my dear," Drybones stepped into the doorway and flashed a sharp smile.

"What have you done with Daisy?" I whispered.

"Nothing too serious yet, but I do have plans to fulfill for her, and the rest of you," Drybones gave me a thumbs up.

"I don't know how you find this funny," Waluigi hissed.

"It's not supposed to be funny to you! I'm just living in the moment of gaining my power of the kingdom," Drybones nodded, agreeing with himself.

"How are you going to gain power through taking all of these innocent lives?" I contradicted angrily.

"It's necessary for my entertainment," Drybones remarked.

"You can't rule the whole kingdom by killing a couple people," Waluigi shook his head.

"When I get the three crowns, I will have the Dark Crown, which can and will rule all of the kingdom," Drybones concluded.

He wants the Dark Crown? Oh no this isn't good, that thing is pure evil.

"But why all the power? Doesn't being part of a family mean anything to you?" Waluigi asked.

Drybones laughed hysterically, gripping the wall to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Waluigi and I gave each other a perplexed glance as Drybones continued to cackle loudly.

"Umm," I said as he straightened out again.

"Bowser was never like family to me! He played favorites with Koopa and Boo. Oh, especially Boo. Heck, he might have even liked Boo more than his own son! Goomba and I were always the outcasts, the ones to get minimal assignments and rarely any attention at all!" Drybones asserted.

"Then why would you kill your best friend?" Waluigi asked.

"Goomba refused to help me kill all of you, so I just decided to kill him too," Drybones shrugged and then smiled. "Besides, I was going to kill him after we were done anyway."

"That's horrible!" I said, sickened by his lack of heart.

"Eh, not really," Drybones chuckled.

"So where's Daisy?" I growled.

"If you follow me, you'll find her," He smiled.

"She's not dead, right?" Waluigi asked warily.

"Oh, no no no," Drybones shook his head. "She's alive... For now."

Leading us into the room, Waluigi and I were tense, just waiting for him to jump at us, or trap us. I looked around at cut outs of cardboard and long rows of seats. Then, looking ahead, I realized we were in the theater. Drybones led us through the curtains, and onto the stage.

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