Chapter 5

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The song used is called on a long loney night by Sko Torp

Chapter 5

"Hi." Charlotte sang running towards me and gave me a hug. "Wow I love the dress. Blue really suits you." She was wearing her green dress and she looked amazing.

"Thank you. Love yours as well. You look really good. So when did you get here?" I asked her. I had arrived a bit before to help with the last stuff so that I could leave early for the concert. The party had now been going on for half an hour and still hadn't seen her before now.

"Oh I got here 20 minutes ago. I just didn't get further than the wardrobe before Paul found me and informed me of all the small event that's going to occur at this event. But on the bright side did I see which men came with and without a date." She laughed.

"Ah yeah he gave me that speech yesterday. I wasn't as lucky as you. Wonna get a drink with me? I think I need it if I have to endure 5 hours of polite never really saying anything talk." I sighted and we started to move towards the bar.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad. Some of them are pretty fun to talk with. And a few of them hot as well." Charlotte wriggled her eyebrows.

"Okay fine. When we see Sr. Tanner instead of running the other way, go over and dance with him." I smirked before I ordered a drink.

"Fine. Most of them are horrible. But there are sweet ones in between. Maybe you could find someone and have some fun. I mean how long haven't it been since you hooked up with a guy?" Charlotte asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine, I'll go mingle." I agreed, grabbed my drink and left. It was a big room. There was a bar in the end. Then along side of the wall round tables were placed with a buffet in the middle. When people finish eating they would move the tables and there would be a dance floor in the middle.

I waved to Charlotte before I walked towards the circle of people who had gathered around the buffet looking at the food that was slowly starting to be put out. Most of the guest were years older than me, and if someone was even close to my age it was daughters or sons who had to go with their parents. There had to maximum be 15 people who was around my age and that was it.

I spotted Mrs Bayles standing by the drinks and quickly walked over to her. She was Paul's wife and properly the only one I could overcome to mingle with at the moment.

The hours went by slowly. I couldn't count how many times I looked at the time to see if it was time to go yet. After the 4th time I had to run away from Sr. Tanner it was finally time to go. I quickly found Charlotte and my other colleagues, said my goodbye and grabbed my bag and hurried out of the building.

Once outside I quickly found my dad and Amy waiting in the car. "Hi sorry it took a few minutes to come down." I said as I jumped into the back-seat.

"Nah it's fine. Was it fun?" My dad asked as he started up the car.

"It was okay I guess." I answered and pulled a pair of jeans and a T-shirt out of my bag. I unzipped my dress and pulled it down half way, before I put the T-shirt over my head. It was tight and would show an inch of my stomach once I got my jeans on.

"Does that mean you didn't have to dance with Sr. Tanner?" Amy asked and laughed.

"No thank god. We had just opened the dance floor when you guys came and I made sure to be preoccupied or run away so he couldn't ask me to dance." I grinned bending down to remove my heals.

"Wait who's Sr. Tanner?" My dad asked confused.

"He's a rich man in his late twenties who doesn't understand, that when you dance, you just don't touch your partner where ever you want." Amy laughed and my dad looked horrified.

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