Chapter 11

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I want to dedicate this chapter to Kristine, this chapter wouldn't have been here today if it hadn't been for her.

– Kiss a stranger.√

– Hollywood movie kiss.

– Get a tattoo.

– Swim naked under the moon.

– Do something I'm afraid of.

– Swim with dolphins.

– Fly in a hot air balloon. √

– Shower in a waterfall.

– Scuba dive.

– Sail on the Themes.√

– Go to a strip club.

– Catch a fish.

– Learn how to play an instrument.

– Join the mile high club.

– Graffiti on a wall.

– Sell a painting.

Chapter 11

"Hey." Julie smiled as she spotted me getting off the train. "It's so good to have you join us, it has been ages." She hugged me tight before we started walking.

"Well I don't recall you ever moving pub night to a Tuesday. Plus after your story Sunday I thought you might need it." I pointed out. I wanted to be here for her tonight.

"Damn right I do. I need to get pissed and find a better guy than Joseph." She exclaimed intertwining our arms.

"Yeah, we didn't get to talk Sunday. How are you holding up?" I asked. She looked okay. But you never really knew with her. She was good at hiding her feelings.

"I'll survive. Now what I really want to know is what is going on between you and Jayden?" She almost shrieked and I winched.

"Nothing is going on. It was late and he slept on the sofa, end of story." I explained.

"Really? There's nothing there? You haven't even thought about sleeping with him?" Julie let out a sigh. "Do you realise how many girls, would do almost anything, to be in the position you're in right now?" She asked me with a raised brow.

"Well they don't know his real personality. Yeah I admit he's good looking. But then he open his mouth and you want to hit him." I explained as we reached the pub we were meeting up with the girls in.

"Well fair enough. But it's Jayden Hart for crying out loud. It would be an amazing story to tell your kids." Julie huffed and I let out a small laugh.

"That you had sex with a famous singer?" I asked her looking around to see if I could find the others.

"Well maybe not sex, but that you went out with him." She grinned. "Oh I see them, over there." She pointed and waved to the girls.

"Al. It's been so long since I have seen you in person." Maya said in a high voice, as she got up from her chair to hug me. I had met Maya in college. We didn't have any classes together. But we always ran into each other to parties and ended up becoming close friends. She was a small, sweet girl. She had long blond hair, a few freckles over her nose and was overall, just tiny. She loved to go out. But at the same time, she was also the girl to stay home Friday night to just watch movies.

"Don't you dare apologise. It's completely understandable. Just happy to have you back." Beth said standing up to hug Julie and I. I had met Beth through Julie. They had worked together years back. Julie brought her along one night out and we hit it off. She is a quieter girl. She was around my high and was a ginger. I loved her red hair and green eyes, but she hated it. You had to get a few beers in her before she let loose. But really she's a sweetheart and never says no to meet up. If it's for a cuppa, party, a hike or just help you paint, she's always there.

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