Chapter 23

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– Kiss a stranger.√
– Hollywood movie kiss.
– Get a tattoo. √
– Swim naked under the moon.√
– Do something I'm afraid of.
– Swim with dolphins.
– Fly in a hot air balloon. √
– Shower in a waterfall.
– Scuba dive.
– Sail on the Themes.√
– Go to a strip club.
– Catch a fish. √
– Learn how to play an instrument.
– Join the mile high club.

– Graffiti on a wall. √
– Sell a painting.

Chapter 23

"Al!" I heard Rosie shout and run over to me. I hadn't seen her since the funeral, it was good to see her in different surroundings.

"Hi Rosie, so good to see you again." I gave her a massive hug. "When did you guys get here?" I asked as I let her go. She was just about to reply when the car door opened on the other side of the car and Jayden stepped out. Rosie paled and stared at Jayden, who thankfully hadn't noticed as he was busy getting out bags out.

"Is that Jayden Lockhart?" Rosie whisper yelled at me, apparently she was a fan.

"Yeah, him and Amy were friends, and he became my friend as well, he offered to come as moral support for this weekend." I explained. "Now please, act normal and don't embarrass me." I whispered the last part as I turned around to get my bag out of the car.

"Jayden, this is Rosie my cousin, Rosie this is Jayden." I introduced them, pretending that they didn't both already know who each other were.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jayden said and shook her hand.

"No believe me, the pleasure is all mine." Rosie tried to say in a normal voice, but it came out an octave higher than her normal voice.

"When did you arrive? Did you bring Jamie?" I asked as we started walking towards the house.

"Yes, we arrived about half an hour ago, mum and dad arrived this morning, they got everything ready for everyone and went shopping and so on. You guys are the last to arrive." Rosie told me, but turned around to sneak a peek at Jayden again.

As we entered I could hear my family chatting away, and smell my dads food cooking in the kitchen.

"Hi everyone." I greeted loudly as we walked into the big common room. I had phoned my parents to ask if it was okay I brought Jayden along as moral support, and because he wanted to experience pirate day. They had been surprised I had kept in contact with him and my mum had been a bit suspicious. I hadn't told them that Jayden was my goodbye letter from Amy, or about my bucket list, as my mum would then want to know what was on my list, and that was a conversation I didn't want to have with her. But they had agreed to let him come along, as they knew how much he had meant to Amy in the end, and how much happiness and energy he had given her.

"Good to see you again Jayden. Thank you so much for coming to the funeral. Amy would have been so happy to know you were there." My mum greeted Jayden before she gave me a quick hug.

"Welcome to Hastings." My dad greeted Jayden after he had hugged me. "I hope you brought a costume and is ready for some pirating tomorrow." My dad grinned shaking Jaydens hand.

"I have, and I can't wait, I'm really looking forward to seeing and experiencing it all tomorrow." Jayden said as he lifted up in his bag, indicating his costume was in there.

"So this is the famous Jayden we've heard so much about. I'm Jill, Christina's sister. Every time I talked with Amy, she would talk about you." My aunt said as she made her way over to shake Jaydens hand. "This is my husband Louie and my son Oliver." She introduced everyone. "And over here is Rosies boyfriend Jamie." Jayden shook hands with everyone and introduced himself. It was so weird having him here with my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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