Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friends as a thank you for her always listening to me blabbering on about my story.

Chapter 6

"Hi angel" I smiled walking into Amy's room. She looked so small and pale, it was heartbreaking to see.

She waved at me before looking down at the computer. "Just Ally coming to visit. Want to say hi?" She asked the computer pulling her earphones out of her ears as well as the computer.

"Hi Jayden." I gave a timid smile to the computer.

"Hi gorgeous. How are you?" Jayden asked. I tried to keep the smile on my face. I didn't like him much. I knew I asked for it myself. But a few days after the concert, an article came out. The headline said 'T.U. gave dying girl tickets for their show' with one of the pictures I had taken of them all together. I had been mad. Amy had continued talking with Jayden though. They spoke once a week.

"Fine thank you. I'll jut let you two finish. Be right back." I didn't want to be the awkward third wheel in the room so I left.

She had gotten a lot worse. The bone marrow transplant didn't work and she spend most of her time in the hospital now. She didn't really have any appetite and had lost a lot of weight. She didn't look good. I worked as much as I could from beside her bed. Not wanting her to be alone. I knew she would pull through this. I just didn't want her to feel lonely.

After I had checked Facebook and replied to a few work mails, I decided they have had enough time and walked back inside the room. "Talk to you soon Angel." I heard Jayden say before Amy smiled and closed the computer. We apparently had the same nickname for her. But then again, she really was an angel.

"So, did anything exciting happen today?" I asked sitting down beside her. She was warm, she properly had a fever again.

"Not much. Started on a new series called Legend of the seeker. And then Jayden and the guys skyped." She grinned and I saw her otherwise pale face get some colour by just the mention of their names.

"Oh yeah? A series I need to watch?" I asked pulling out some carrots and humus from my bag. I always tried to get her to eat something whenever I was here.

"Defiantly." She grimaced when she saw the food but took one anyway. "I watched P.S. I love you as well yesterday. I still cry like a baby." She chuckled and I gave her an easy smile. We had watched that movie together a few months before she got the diagnose. We both loved it. But we had talked about how we didn't understand why everyone who knew they were dying didn't leave letters or small notes behind to their beloved ones. I didn't really know if I should put anything in it that she watched that movie or not.

"Ally I was thinking, I feel bad for my ring just laying there. And it's too big for me. So, I would like to give it to you." She pulled out her ring and I froze. That was her favourite ring, it was silver with green amber and she loved it. We had bought it at a summer fair almost two years ago now. And she had been wearing it ever since.

"Why? You'll get better and then you can wear it again." I insisted feeling the panic start to form in my stomach. I didn't like how she was thinking.

"Yeah. But will you please use it until then? I don't want it to collect dust. I want it to bring you luck." She smiled to me putting the ring in my hand, and my heart melted.

"It will be my honour. I promise I'll take good care of it and give it back to you when you have gained some weight." I gave her hand a small squeeze before I put the ring on my ring finger, it was a perfect fit.

"So how was Julies birthday? It was on the 12th right?" She asked as she nibbled on the carrot.

"Yeah, we went out with the other girls we have pub night with. You know them." I told her hesitantly, I felt bad about how long it had been since I went out with them. "We met up at Mia's place to get ready. She wanted us to have a theme, so we were all wearing wigs and wings." I started looking down at her, only to discover that her eyes were closed. I kissed her forehead and she mumbled something. I moved back over in the chair and pulled my computer out. I better let her sleep a bit while I do some work. She often fell asleep while I or our parent were here. But she needed it so that she could get well again.

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