You what?

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"...and that's why I choose Maya," Lucas concluded.

I looked away and as sad as I was I felt so much relief that the triangle was over. Of course I wanted to be chosen, but it's okay because Maya can finally be happy without me getting in the way.

I grabbed my best friend's hand and smiled. "I'm happy for you Peaches."

She squeezed my hand. "Thanks honey, but if it hurts you I won't except."

"No," I said shaking my head. "Then the triangle would've been for nothing. And Lucas you picked a great girl." I got up and gave Lucas a pat on the shoulder before leaving Topanga's.

As I walked home it hit me.

It hit me that I wasn't good enough for Lucas. I mean of course I'm good enough, I know I am, but why didn't he pick me? Tears rolled down my checks but I need to get home so I wiped them away.

I tried to hurry since it was so late and the darkness was beginning to freak me out. The world just could not give me a break though because it started to rain. It seemed fitting with my mood so maybe it's not all that bad.

I started skipping through the rain making me feel a little more at peace with everything. But not after long I began to realize I was lost.

I wandered around and then sat in the middle of the sidewalk and just cried my eyes out. The world is just so unfair sometimes. I give it my all. My everything. And what do I get back? Nothing. That's what.

Finally coming to my senses I got up and hurried to a little ally that had a fire escape that provided me with a little shelter so that I could call someone.

I called the only person who wouldn't totally freak out on me for wandering the streets this late and be here in a heartbeat.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / /

I had gotten a text from Maya an hour ago asking if I knew where Riley was, but I didn't. I had been home all day and hadn't talked to her. That's when she told me that Lucas finally chose someone and she was worried that Riley may have ran away or something.

So now here I am at the Matthew's home waiting in the bay window for Riley to come back.

Everyone was beginning to get worried due to the fact that it was getting later and later. Our little ball of sunshine won't pick up her phone or answer texts just to reassure us that she's fine, so we just have to wait.

Maya was pacing when finally Lucas got up and wrapped her in a hug to calm her down.

I know I should be happy for them, but could they wait until we find Riley to get all cuddly. Even though we knew this would happen with the triangle they may have pushed her off the edge.

My anger took over and I stomped out of the room to go to the living room. They called after me but I just ignored them.

Just as I sat down I got a call. It was Riley.


"Um Farkle I need your help," I could barely hear her over the rain but I could tell she had been crying. "I'm lost."

I got up and began to walk out of the apartment. "It's okay Riles just tell me where you are. Could you do that for me?" I tried to ask soothingly.

"O-okay." I heard her get up and then she told me what street she was on and that she was in an ally by a deli shop. I rushed down the street plugging in my earbuds so I could use my map and keep Riley on the phone.

"Riles just stay where you are, okay? I'm on my way. Everything will be okay."

I heard her start crying. "Farkle I'm so scared."

My heart broke a little. I don't ever want her to have to be this scared ever again. "I know, but I'll be there as soon as I can. When I get there we can take a cab so they you don't have to walk through the rain. How does that sound?"

I heard her giggle. "But I like the rain."

I shouldn't be that surprised since it's Riley, yet I am. "Then we will walk through the rain. I'll just give you my hoodie to keep you warm."

"Sounds like a deal," she said sounding a lot less scared. Then she gasped. "Farkle, oh god. My phone's about to die. Please hurry."

"I'll be there in five minutes. Okay just-" I stopped because the line went dead.

I took a deep breath and ran to find her.

It didn't take much longer for me to find her, but when I did she was passed out.

"No. No. No." I pulled her into my arms. "Riles please be okay. I can't lose you. Please. You mean so much to me. I love you," I admitted. I've never told her since she liked Lucas but now... now things are different.

"You what?" she said putting her arms around my neck and situating herself on my lap.

I was stunned. Pulling her closer I said, "You scared me right now."

"I just fell asleep you dork," she laughed. "But did you say you love me?"

I sat silently. "Riley Matthews. I have been in love with you since forever. You know that. I would do anything for you."

"But I thought you just loved me like a sister."

I kissed her forehead. "I try to make it seem that way. I'm too scared to lose."

She scooted closer and said, "You won't lose me Farkle, because I love you too. I just wish I could've seen it sooner."

I kissed her forehead again. "Well we know now."

She shook her head. "No. I've known forever. I think Lucas just made me think I needed a knight in shining armor. But I prefer a genius."

We sat like that for a while just holding each other. Then I gave her my hoodie, as promised, and we walked home hand in hand.

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