Too late {Part 3}

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{I'm pretty sure this is the final part of this mini series. Dedicated to pumpkin11956 I hope you enjoy.💙}

I decided to go up to the roof to get some space from everything. I didn't think today would be so much to process, yet it is.

Smakle said he loves me. If that's the case then why didn't he tell me. Is it the same reason that I've kept it from him? I mean, that's assuming what Smakle told me is true.

I sigh and sit on the ledge where Maya and Lucas stood together on New Years so many years ago. I let my feet swing as I slip into deep thought.

I could tell him everything. From my confusing feelings all the way to my talk with his girlfriend. That's not throwing her under the bus or anything like that. Right? Or maybe I could just hide it. Everything was way too complicated when I liked Lucas, so maybe this time I should hide it. To me my friends mean everything, and if keeping the truth makes things easier, even if it hurts me, it's worth it.

Once again I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone open the door that leads up here.


My heart stops. I slowly turn to see Farkle standing a few feet from the platform leading up to where I am. He has worry etched into his features as he slowly raises his arms. The boy gestures for me to come towards him. "Riley, can you please slowly turn around and come towards me?"

I just stare at him. "If you think I'm gonna jump, Farkle, I'm not."

He nods as he makes his way over to me. "I figured. I just need you safe and that means away from there."

I roll my eyes. "You aren't in charge of me Farkle," I mutter.

Just to prove my point I stand up where I was sitting with my back to the street. I twirl around making my head spin and my heart race. To some people this may be nothing, but to me this is living on the edge. Literally.

Fakle is standing right in front of me now. Ready to grab me if anything happens. "I know that. I just care so much about you that I don't want anything to happen." He reaches out his hand as he says, "Please just come down from there."

I turn away and face the ground. I know it's not the answer, I just feel like everything would be so much easier if I just jumped. I lean over just to see the street a bit more when Farkle grabs my waist and we jump off the ledge and back onto the platform.

"I said wasn't going to jump!" I yell at him. "Why don't you trust me!"

He lets got of me. "I do," he whispers. "I just couldn't take the chance of you slipping."

My anger goes away because, let's face it, I am a klutz. We just stand there waiting for someone to say something.

"Riley, why are you avoiding me?" he questions.

This is the moment of truth. To lie or not to lie.

"I just need to think."

"Look at me." And I do before he continues, "You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

I sigh. "Not this time, okay? Just leave it Farkle."

"No!" he yells making me flinch. He lowers his voice. "I'm not going to let you keep this to yourself if it makes you this sad and I'm definitely not going to lose you because you think you can't talk to me."

"Fine!" I scream at him. "You want to know what's going on? I'm in love with you Farkle, and I'm trying so hard not to be. Because you have a girlfriend that loves you and I don't ever want to get in the way of that. Even if that means letting my emotions eat me alive. And... and I can't lose you either. I just can't." By the time I'm done I'm sobbing. I told myself I shouldn't say anything, but I didn't listen.

He pulls me to him. Letting me let it all out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I ca-can't lose y-you," I manage to stutter out.

He chuckles. "Well I'm still here aren't I?"

I don't say anything trying to figure out what's going to happen next. My brain begins to hurt from all the possible outcomes so I just hide my face in in his chest.



"What if I told you I love you too?"

I pull back to look him in the eyes. "Are you serious?"

He nods pulling me back to him and stroking my hair.

"What about Smakle?"

"She knows, Riles. In fact, she told me to come go find you."

I pull back, but instead of looking at him I crash my lips on his. He doesn't move for a second, probably processing what's going on. Then he kisses back with such force I have to step back to balance. We stay like that until we both break away to breath.

"Does that answer your question?" I say with a giggle.

He nods with a smile on his face.

I put my arms around his neck to make sure this wasn't a dream. "What happens now?"

"I'm not sure," he tells me as he snakes his arms around my waist. "But whatever happens we'll be fine, as long as we're together."

I smile to myself. He's right. Because when we're together we can face the world.

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