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I walked into school like usual. Except something was different now.

My best friend and partner in crime, Maya Hart, was gone.

No she isn't dead, but she moved away a few months before this school year. Now here I am starting this junior year without her. Feeling sad and lost and confused because my other half is all the way in Florida. If only things were different.

Sadly they aren't, so I walk into class and put on my classic Riley smile. It fooled Lucas, Zay, and Smakle. At least I'm pretty sure because they all smiled back and said good morning. They all believed the act with the exception of Farkle. He just seemed worried and very sad as well.

As I sat in my desk he tapped my shoulder. "Look I know this won't make you feel any better, but I miss her too."

I nodded still facing front trying to prepare myself for my dad's lesson. It didn't really make feel all that better, but knowing that he gets it helps.

Class luckily passed by pretty quickly and I rushed out as soon as it was over. Instead of being the responsible young women I'm supposed to be by going to my next class I hid in the janitor's closet.

I sat there and buried my head in my hands while sobbing. I didn't think walking these halls without her would be so hard but it is. I miss my rebellious little Peaches.

A soft knock came from the door and in walked my four greatest friends. Excluding my closest one of course.

They sat near me but none of them said anything. Just being there was enough, but I knew the peace wouldn't last.

Lucas sighed and looked at me. "Riles, we miss her to. I get that it's really hard right now and it seems unfair. But we have to keep going."

"I know that Lucas," I said slightly frustrated. "But do you think that's gonna make it any easier?"

"Well do you think it's any easier on me? On us?" he asked with his voice rising.

I looked away. "You don't understand."

"We don't-" Lucas began to growl but Zay cut him off. "Sugar we know what some of this pain feels like because we love her too. Just try to help us understand the rest."

I stood and faced away from them. I took a deep breath and said, "It feels like the best part of me. The part that I loved the most is gone. The part that- that..." I felt tears streaming down my face.

"That sometimes doesn't know when to stop, but is loved anyways. The price that you hold closest to you," Farkle finished for me with tears of his own streaming down his face. "Look Riley we may not know exactly how hard it is for you but I get it. I've known her since we were kids and losing her was one of the worst things possible. Just please don't give up on being okay again and don't shut us out."

I turned and saw the worry etched on all their faces. Everyone except Farkle. He had a million and one emotions passing over his face, but the one I was looking for in my friends was only on his.


"Farkle come here," I called to him. He hesitated for a moment. Then he came over and I embraced him. This wasn't just a hug. This was so much more. It was comfort and love and a shoulder to cry on. Most of all it was home.

He whispered so quietly in my ear that only I could hear, "I lost one of the girls that I love, but I can't lose the girl I'm in love with."

I buried my face in his chest and cried. I finally hear the person I've loved since the beginning of high school confess his feelings to me and my best friend's not here to see it.

I can hear her now. "The genius finally figured it out. It's about time he did too."

"I think I'm in love with you too."

We stay like that and I realize that even though she's far I can still call her and maybe even visit. Plus I have my friends here and even though they are no replacement for her they sure are amazing friends.

We didn't move until the others cleared their throats and we remember we weren't alone. I'm a little embarrassed at first in all honesty. It's okay though because I'm in love with this boy and I do not want to hide it anymore.

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