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I can't believe she knows my secret.

It's not like it's embarrassing or anything really. I just don't want people to know because people can be really nosy. Maybe she'll keep my secret.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks.

I set my guitar on the floor. "Singing is more Maya's thing," I reply.

Riley pulls a chair up next to me before saying, "That doesn't mean you had to hide it from us."

"Yeah, but doesn't mean I had to tell you guys either," I counter.

She wouldn't even know if she hadn't walked into this room, the choir room, looking for her best friend. It's not like I wanted to keep them in the dark... okay maybe I did, but that's not the point. We all keep secrets from each other. She just managed to figure out mine. 

"Can you play something for me?" she questions quietly.

I stay quiet. Not because I don't want to, but because I know what song I want to sing.

I pick up my instrument and take my time placing my fingers on the correct cords. I take a deep breath before starting.

I don't have much to give but I don't care for gold,
What use is money when you need someone to hold,
Don't have direction I'm just rolling down this road,
Waiting for you to bring me in from out the cold,

You'll never know the endless nights, the rhyming of the rain,
Or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call his name

Pack up and leave everything,
Don't you see what I can bring?
Can't keep this beating heart at bay,
Set my midnight sorrow free,
I will give you all of me,
Just leave your lover,
Leave him for me,
Leave your lover,
Leave him for me...

I sing Sam's whole ballad letting everything out. I could've sang one of the songs I wrote for her, but I think she'll hear me more with this one. I'm pretty sure this will make her realize what I'm failing to say.

When I'm done I set my guitar down and look at her. Her big brown eyes shine with realization. I don't say anything as I sling my instrument over my shoulder and leave. Riley needs time to process everything.

She probably needs to think over my subtle message since she is with my best friend. Lucas would kill me if he finds out that I'm in love with his girlfriend. But can you blame me? She's just so quirky and beautiful and amazing. I guess I've done the right thing hiding my feelings, yet I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I had said something sooner.

The Brel runs and I sigh knowing I have to pretend this never happened.

I love you, I think as I walk to my next class.

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