Shut Up (part 2)

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{So I made a part called Shut Up a while ago and I decided to make a part two because zutaraandtaangalways and namI971  requested so here you go}

I walk to Topanga's after school even though everyone else has sports and clubs to go to. It's weird how busy you can get in just a few years.

I order myself a smoothie just the way I like it and sit in a booth. Looking down at my shirt I try to push back my thoughts on Farkle. I love him so much because he's been there for me through everything, but how do I love him?

My feelings, so I thought, are clear. If that's true why am I confused? Or is it something else?

"Mind if I join you?"

I turn to see Farkle standing there. Why is he here? I thought there was drama practice.

He sits even though I didn't answer. "Practice was canceled because Mr. Keck is sick."

I nod and look away. I need to figure things out before I say anything to him.

"You okay?" the boy asks.

I glance over and see that he looks really concerned. I shrug and say, "Just can't believe I wore your shirt."

Farkle chuckles. "It's fine. I'm sure it would've happened sometime down the road if it hadn't happened today."

I know that I like him.

I know that it's definitely more than just friends.

I also know that I shouldn't say anything. It would just make things more complicated in our friendship group. We don't need that right now with the triangle finally ending and Maya and Lucas trying to find away to be a couple.

"Are you okay Riles?"

I look at Farkle and smile. "I'm good."

He raises and eyebrow unbelievingly. Farkle leans in and mumbles, "Don't lie to Riley. I'm your friend and I know when you're upset."

I sigh. This is not what needs to be happening after everything that's just been settled.

"Trust me. I need to just keep this to myself."

"No," Farkle firmly tells me. "You can't do that. We're friends, and friends talk to each other about things that bother them. Talk to me so that I can help you because I can't do that if I don't know."

"Please don't make me," I beg desperately.

He looks at me sadly. "I think it's for the best if you just say it now. Secrets always end up a really badly for our group."

I take a deep breath to keep myself calm. "I think I just might... like you."

I'm look down at my hands when I hear Farkle laugh. I look up and he's smiling at me. He leans over the table and I lean forward a bit and we kiss. Just an innocent, couple second kiss, but still a great kiss.

We pull back stare into each other's eyes as we sit back down. I look away because a slight blush has formed on my checks.

"Well it's good thing you like me because you look good in my clothes and I'd like to see you in them again," Farkle says with a smirk.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Shut up."

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