The Better (part 1)

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I sit anxiously waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. She's not usually late which makes me even more nervous than I already am.

I see her walk into the cafe and wave just as her eyes meet mine. She comes over smiling and hugs me. This time she isn't the stiff one, I am. I pull away awkwardly and gesture for her to take a seat. She sits and neither of us say anything making this a million times more awkward than necessary. She finally breaks the silence.

"What is it dearest?" Smakle asks worriedly.

I sigh. "I just don't know how to say this."

I see the realization deep into her eyes as she furrows her eyebrows. "Farkle if you're breaking up with me just say it. There's no point in beating around the bush."

I look into her sad eyes and feel my guilt boil over. "Yeah, I am. I'm so sorry Smakle. You didn't do anything wrong, I swear," I try to clarify. This girl deserves more than just a 'we're done, sorry-not-sorry' situation.

She leans back in her seat with a slightly broken expression. "Then why break up?" she states more than asks.

"Because I realized that to be with someone you should love them wholeheartedly, and I think I have feelings for... someone else. God this sounds awful, I'm so sorry. You really deserve so much better than this explanation, but honestly this is all I've got," I say as I put my face in my hands for a moment.

"It's Riley isn't it?" Smakle asks in a straightforward way.

I look away because I can't answer her. I refuse to lie, but will saying the truth make this any better?

She takes a deep breath before saying, "I love you Farkle. I really do, but if you aren't happy, I understand why we must end things. If being with her makes you happy then do it."

I don't say anything. I know that she's right,but there's just so many things that can go wrong. Even when I'm ending things with her I know that she'll help me find answers. I mean we're scientists after all. We'll always need to find the answers together.

"But what if she doesn't like me that way? What happens then?"

The brunette looks at me as if the answer were obvious. "Then you stay friends because that's how you guys are. You make each other better people. I don't think either of you would be well off without the other," she answers me.

Nodding a say, "Do you really think that?"

"More like I know it. And don't worry no matter what I'm part of this friend group now. I'm here for both of you no matter what our history is."

I stand and give Smakle a small hug. "Thank you. Not just for understanding, but everything that we had together. You truly do deserve better."

"Thanks," she says as she heads toward the door, "Go talk her as soon as you can. See you around nemesis."

"Bye," I reply.

Once she's gone I think about everything. Maybe I should talk to her right now, but I also need to think about how to say everything to her. I love her so much that I don't want to mess this up. I can't. This is my one and only chance with the girl that I've been in love with since the freaking first grade. She's the light of my life. The only person I'd ever want to live on Mars with. My Riles.

I stand and start to walk out of the cafe knowing that no matter what my life is about to change.

All I can do is hope that it's going to be for the better.

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