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I've always hated airplanes. The idea of being trapped in a metal monster while falling from more than a thousand feet in the air makes me want to hurl. I don't want that to be my death. These are all my thoughts as we hit yet another bump of turbulence.

The lady told us we could unbuckle and move around, just be cautious since there is a bit of turbulence, but I'm still strapped tightly in. I feel like we could plummet to our death at any second.

I close my eyes and lean into my chair hoping this flight will go by faster.


I open my eyes and turn my head to the right. "Yeah?"

Riley looks at me her eyes filled with concern. She's the only one out of our group hat knows about my fear, so she insisted on sitting next to me towards the back to give me privacy to freak out. "How are you holding up?" she asks in a worried way.

I try to smile. "Oh, I feel great. Just great."

The brunette rolls her eyes and shifts so that she can hold my hand. "I'm right here, okay?"

"I know," I respond quietly. "But being in this death machine is scary enough on my own. All the people I care about are on here, and I don't want this to be your guys' death too."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles," Riles tells me reaching onto erase the lines that aren't even there in the first place.

I roll my eyes and smile a little. "I just want you safe."

Riley does her best to snuggle into me. "I'm safe right here," she says closing her eyes.

I know she isn't asleep, but I don't want to disturb her. How did I get so lucky to have this amazing girl as my girlfriend? I got lucky telling her just days before Lucas had decided who he wanted to date. We never got to know who he chose, but maybe that's for the best.

We didn't date right away. In fact we waited until this past year to become an official couple. I think that's why our class is leaving us alone, to let us have time to be a new couple. Plus a trip to LA is enough to keep them quiet, but having to get up early to catch this flight keeps them even quieter.

And you would think I would at least try to sleep too, but my nerves gnaw at me.

The plane makes a slight jolt making me hold Riley closer.

She sighs happily and mumbles, "I'm right here. I'll always be here."

I lean my head on hers and nod. "I know. Thanks for that."

And with that I do my best not to freak out over every bump and jolt, so that my beautiful girlfriend can sleep.

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