Too Late {Part 2}

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{So I decided to do a small part two because I felt like it needed more. Enjoy💙}

I called a cab to take me home because I really didn't want to ride in the car with the them two. Especially with my puffy red eyes and slightly swollen cheeks. That's just going to make things worse for all of us.

The wait was about ten minutes, so I sat down on a bench near the curb and waited.

To pass the time I enjoyed the scenery. New York may not be the cleanest place in the world but you can't deny that it's beautiful. The breathtaking skyscrapers and the zooming cars. So much beauty if you just keep yourself open to it.

I was so immersed in my surroundings that I didn't hear someone sit down next to me until they spoke. "What's wrong?"

I turned to see Smakle staring at me. Doing my best to hide my emotions I happily say, "I'm fine. It's just been a really emotional day."

She didn't look convinced. "Riley, do you still believe in Pluto?"

I nod turning to the street.

"Well I don't," she said then quickly added. "I believe in facts, in science. And science says that Pluto is no longer a planet."

I know that Smakle means the best, but she's really ticking me off. "What's your point?"

She smiles and looks away. "My point is that there is only one other person who is willing to believe in the well, technically not a planet anymore, planet as much as you. And that's Farkle. You give that boy so much hope. That's something I can't do."

Realization hits me and I feel really bad. "Smakle," I interrupt her feeling guilty. "I'm not sure where you're going with this, but he's all yours. He is your boyfriend and my best friend. That's the way things are."

The girl genius shakes her head sadly. "No, Riley, that's not the way things are. Because I know you love him and he loves you."

I feel my heart stop. I could deny the truth or I could just come out with it already. I choose the latter. "How did you figure it out?"

She sighed. "I've known since day one," she said much to my surprise. "I'm not mad Bubbles. I just want you both happy."

I hug her and she stiffly pats my back. When I pull back there's fresh tears in my eyes. I have to make one of the hardest choices ever in my life right now. And that's to whether I should keep this a secret or not.

I sigh. "You can't tell anyone."

She looks away holding her breath. Her eyes are full of sadness as she nods. "I'm here if you need anything."

"I know. Thanks for that."

We sit shoulder to shoulder in a comfortable silence for a bit then she goes back inside. I feel content and confused and sad and happy and angry, yet I just sit there wishing things were different.

Soon the cab arrives and I jump in. I think I just need time to figure this all out.

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