Chapter 1: Just Like Heaven

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The Cure - Just Like Heaven (1987)

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The Cure - Just Like Heaven (1987)

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven"

Jonathan Byers 10:00 am

My stereo blasts high way to hell by AC/DC to wake me up for my morning shift at the movie theatre. I shuffle out of bed and change into a pair of ripped jeans and a plain black t shirt. Making my way into the kitchen I grab a pan and heat the oven. I always make my family breakfast in the mornings, because I knew my mother was either busy worrying about work (we had been struggling on money more and more lately) or Will. These past few months had been good despite other issues. Since Will came back from the 'upside down' he had taken this situation better than most of us. He always has a smile on his face and is blasting the mix tape I gave him for Christmas. I can lightly hear his voice singing along and I pause when I walk by his room and listen for a while. Some days the thought of everything that happened with the upside down scare the shit out of me. I stay awake at night and ponder all the what if's. What if I lost will. What if? If I could have traded spots with Will, I would have in a heartbeat, no doubt. No child his age deserves to go though such trauma. I haven't talked much to Nancy since she gave me the camera. Just when I pick up Will from her house and awkwardly wave hi to her behind the door, along with Steve who is always cuddled up to her side or craddling onto her like some sorta animal. She is still dating that douche bag, but I know, I can't do anything about it. A girl like her would never date a guy like me. But I'll never forget the moments we had together when we both lost someone close to us. As I finish up serving eggs, bacon and pancakes on three plates I yell for mom and Will. We all sit down to eat and have our casual family chit chat. It's a Saturday and Mom doesn't have work, so she's taking Will for ice cream later and to some movie.

"Why won't you come Jonathan?"

"I have plans"

She raises her eyebrows and smirks taking a bite of a piece of bacon. Will shoves my shoulder and I brush my hands through his flat hair. Of course I didn't really have plans, I hated everyone in this town, but I didn't want to go see a movie considering I worked at a theatre. I'd rather go out and take photos of not so important things or people in this not so important town. The passion I had for photography wasn't one I could describe, but neither could I describe myself. No one ever understood me, and I was okay with that. I know I'm different. I know I'm weird. I grab my denim jacket and kiss mom and Will goodbye. The weather outside was inching itself slowly closer and closer towards spring. Tree leaves were growing back, along with the grass in the yard. The world wasn't quite as ugly. Once I reached work I put on my red vest with my metal name tag that Jonathan almost didn't fit on. I sat down in the concessions stand and waited for eager guests to buy tickets to new films. Work couldn't have gone by slower. No one came to see movies at noon unless they were old, retired, and had nothing better to do with their lives. I never understood why we were open so early, but then again I had a extreme hatred for busy shifts so I read a newspaper on the counter. A clearing of a throat shook me from my daze from reading the comic section and I sat up to attend the customer. A girl stood in front of me with a rainbow turtle neck, a black leather jacket and a short denim skirt that misguided my eyes to her long legs. I coughed and looked away. She had red lipstick on which went perfectly with her blonde curly hair that was placed mainly to one side. I was at a lost for words being the loser I am and she decided to speak up.

"I was wondering if you guys were hiring?" I stood up from my desk way too quickly and she flinched.

"let me go ask" she nodded and smiled politely. Stomping away I shook my head and muttered to myself. I found Gary in the back talking loudly on the phone while his mouth seemed to devour gum. He was arguing. A pit grew in my stomach. When Gary was in a bad mood, it wasn't best to interupt him. He was the manager, my job was in his hands. But I couldn't let her just walk out of here empty handed with no answer.

"Gary?" He turned around, rolled his eyes and sighed once he noticed me.

"What is it now?"

"There's a girl up front, she's-she's wondering if we're hiring"

He rudely replied "No, now get out of here" and continued back to his conversation that was so much more important than actually doing his job and running this place. Before I left his office I grabbed an application paper and snuck out. He didn't even budge, too busy talking about a football game or something. I returned to the girl and her face lit up. I handed her the paper and she overly thanked me. She searched her bag for a few seconds before meeting my eyes again with a face similar to when a puppy dog begged for food. Her green eyes left me mesmerized. One blonde curl fell in front of her eyes and she went to push it away.

"you have a pen in there?"

I grabbed my favorite pen which was one of those fancy rolled tip pens. All the other ones were shit and I was trying make a good impression. What the hell was I doing, who cares about pens. I didn't even know her name. C'mon, Ask her Jonathan. Right as I handed her the pen, our hands touched for a split second and I lost my words. Her hand was cold and pale. Before I remembered what I was going to ask her, she walked away and started filling out the application out on a bench outside. I was always so awkward around girls. They were all too scared to come near me so I usually didn't have to worry about it, but in these situations when I was forced to quickly reply were different. She was so beautiful. I wanted to take out my camera and snap a picture of her while she was busy scribbling down answers as she bit her bottom lip. Her eyes lightly squinted which showed that she was focused. But Gary had already yelled at me numerous times when I used my camera at work and threatened to fire me. I couldn't risk losing any shot I had at money. Mom took extra shifts all the time and we both contributed to keeping the house and being fed. We only had a few clothes in the closet but it was the way of living we had all grown accustom to. Minutes passed and once she stood up I quickly shifted my starring from her to the same newspaper before. When she walked closer I acted like I just noticed she finished and placed it on the counter...again.

"Ill give this to the manager" I explained setting it to the side.

"thank you" she smiled and turned on her heel. I didn't want her to leave, but yelling after her wasn't a good idea in the slightest. I couldn't help but check out the tight skirt she was wearing. It fit her curves well and I knew I shouldn't have been looking, but I was a guy. I had my reasons. I distracted myself by grabbing her application and reading over the top lines.

Kathleen Dense
Age: 16

1. Why do you want to work with us?

I recently moved here from California and I would love no other way to learn about this town and appreciate it than working for the community.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. This girl knew her shit. When I was asked that I just wrote "to support my family" but then again Gary was desperate for employees last year, since they all happened to quit around the same time. I badly wanted to reason with Gary to help her get the job, the hell was I going to do that when he was in a mood like this?


Hey guys! This is like the story with the least amount of reads when you look up Jonathan Byers but that's cool! Thanks for all of you who read anyway!

I know it has a lot of parts but some chapters are super short!

I'll introduce myself to you guys so you kinda know the author, if you don't care go ahead and read the next chapter :)

My name is Kasey! I'm 19, from salt lake city, Utah and I'm currently going to college to get my associates degree. Once I do, I am moving to California to go to makeup school to become a special effects makeup artist! If that doesn't work out my plan B is to become an author! I love it! I know I have a long way to go, but for now I think watt pad is really great for practicing.

Alright well I hope you enjoy the story! I really look forward to writing every chapter and seeing all the reads they get!:)

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