Chapter 27: Should I Stay Or Should I Go

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The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go (1982)

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The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go (1982)

"Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go, there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double"

Kat 8:30

As Barry drove far from Hawkins in the moonlight I asked him to turn off his Aerosmith cassette tape so we could be in silence.

"Where are we going" I asked him after we had both passed our homes in Hawkins and continued to drive for a few miles.

"Away from this place" Barry said hiding the deeper answer. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and seemed on edge. But so was I after I saw the mysterious figure in the woods along with the strange little girl. I also didn't feel very well and I could tell I was weakening with every second.

"Shouldn't we be heading back, to make sure everyone is okay and safe?"

"They'll be fine" I had never seen Barry like this. He was angry and harsh with his replies. Like he didn't even care at all about what had just happened, like it had never even happened at all.

"But Jonathan"

"Jonathan?" Barry slammed on the breaks and the tires screeched to a stop. I gasped and choked as my seatbelt saved me from the hard halt. "Why do you give a shit about Jonathan?"

I was speechless. How was I even suppose to reply? Of course I cared about Jonathan, he was off to fight that thing and to protect all of us in Hawkins.

"I-I'm sorry, I just-" I stuttered and Barry shook his head while huffing out breath in disgust.

"You're with me. You're suppose to be with me." Barry punched his steering wheel. I flinched. I know I should have been scared in the situation but I wanted to help Barry. To comfort him. Something in me told me he was scared. Even after what he had told the school about me, about us. I knew deep down Barry didn't have the best life at home. His dad was coach of the football team and was always on him about his mistakes. I placed my hand on his now bloodied fist.

"'s gonna be okay. We can get through this. Just turn the car around"

Barry immediately shook his head in disproval.

"No. No way. Not after everyone that died last year because of that thing."

"What are you talking about?" My brain felt as if it were about to explode with all of this information. I had no idea what was going on but I knew Barry was hiding something. "That thing has been here before?"

He cursed under his breath when he realized what he had said to me. "Steve told me, I wasn't suppose to say anything" he started looking around like someone was watching us.

"Okay that's it" with any strength I had left I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door. "I can't take anymore of these lies" I stumbled out of the car and heard Barry call out as he put his car in park and ran behind me. My feet couldn't walk in a straight line and I felt like I was drunk even though I wasn't. Hot liquid ran down my face and dripped onto the ground. Blood. Barry's arms wrapped around my waist to stop me since I was unable to get far. I felt my knees buckle and I melted into his arms.

I woke up alone in a hotel room. I removed the sheet on top of my body and sat up. I winced in pain after remembering the awful headache I had. One lamp lit up the dim room and I could tell it was dark outside through the blinds shielding the outside world. I made my way over to the bathroom and flicked on the light. A white bandage wrapped around my head, with blood seeping through the cloth. I looked like a mess. My curls spewed out of the bandage in all different directions and I knew whoever put it on wasn't a medical professional. I still wore my dress even though it was torn apart and looked like a mountain lion attacked me. My makeup was smeared to the point where I looked like a hardcore rocker chic. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wiped the dirt off my face and ruined makeup.

The door to the room flew open and quickly I closed the bathroom door. I didn't know where I was or with who. The last thing I remember was driving away with Barry. But why would he bring us here? A knock shook me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, I brought you a change of clothes" the voice said behind the door.

I slowly unlocked the lock and pressed on the wood. It was indeed Barry. He held a red t shirt that said Coca cola on it along with a pair of white workout shorts looking as if he had just bought both of the items. He also held a white bag in his other hand full of junk food. He placed them in my hand and although I was confused I was so glad I didn't have to wear this dress anymore. I expected Barry to say something or walk away but he just stood there looking exhausted in his shirt and tie. I awkwardly coughed and gave him a look. I obviously wasn't going to change with him in the bathroom.

"Right" Barry shuffled out of the room and closed the door behind him. After changing I opened the door to find Barry passed out on the hotel bed. He held a bag of chips in one hand and an empty soda bottle in the other. I tried not to smile at the sight. Just then I saw his car keys on the night stand and I had a lightbulb moment.

Barry was stubborn and after collecting consciousness I knew I had to make sure Jonathan and everyone back in Hawkins was okay. There was no way Barry was going to let me go back tonight, unless I did it on my own. I slowly tip toed on the orange patterned carpet. Barry rolled over and I held my breath closing my eyes shut. When I realized he was still asleep I grabbed the keys and rushed to the front door. I looked back and for a moment I felt bad, sorry even for leaving him here. But I pushed the thought far out of my head and confidently turned around opening the front door and strolling out into the parking lot. The whole entire parking lot was empty except for Barry's red car and a brown pickup truck that I assumed belonged to whoever was running the hotel. As I made my way over to the car, two voices broke the silence of the night. They were arguing. I looked into the office where a man behind a desk and Barry stood throwing hand motions at each other. The mans eyes behind the desk caught mine and he pointed in my direction. Barry's gaze met mine and worry washed over his face. I swung the car door open and fumbled with the keys to put them in the ignition as Barry ran quickly to catch me. The engine roared and I pressed on the gas, screeching the tires and burning smoke. As I raced out onto the street, I watched Barry in the rear view mirror give up on chasing me, he knew there was no way he could outrun his own car.  With a look of defeat he threw his hands behind his head and ran his fingers through his hair pulling at the sides. I wanted to turn around, but I whispered over and over to myself to just keep going.


Classes started this week. Gross.

But new update. Yay!

So I started reading this new book called Caraval that is going to be a movie soon it's super good I recommend it to all you guys!

It was just announced that Gaten is coming to SLCC comic con and my brother got me tickets for Christmas, I am so excited! I've saw Millie last year!

Thank you for all the reads and votes lately!! I can't believe I am almost at 20k!


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