Chapter 18: You Make My Dreams

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Hall & Oates - "You Make My Dreams" (1980)

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Hall & Oates - "You Make My Dreams" (1980)

"wrap yourself around me
'Cos I ain't the way you found me
And I'll never be the same
Oh, yeah
Well, 'cos you
You make my dreams come true"

Kat 2:30 pm

Finally classes were over and I could go home. I had to drop off my biology book in my locker since I didn't need it for the weekend. I finally got the dumb lock to open and shoved my book inside. A small white piece of folded paper was at the bottom so I bent down to pick it up.

"To Kat
I'm sorry about the other night,
I don't know what I did wrong,
but I'll do anything to make it up to you.

As soon as I looked up I noticed Barry watching me read the note. He looked on edge and when we made eye contact he awkwardly looked away. I closed my locker and made my way over to him across the hall.

"I'm not mad at you" I admitted with a sigh.

"Really?" A loud group of football jocks walked by and shoved Barry in a joking matter.

"You Barry! Your ass better be at the football game tomorrow!" One yelled.

"Yeah or your dad's gonna kill you himself!" They all laughed and continued to march down the hall.

"Sorry" Barry apologized. I knew he was acting different. He wasn't his usual hyper happy self.

"follow me, it's too loud in here" we walked outside to the football field that was empty. After climbing a few set of stairs we sat down in the middle of the bleachers.

"No, I'm not mad, it's hard to explain Barry, but it's not your fault. I had a lot of fun." The only reason I freaked out the other night was when Barry went to lift up my shirt. I was afraid he would see the scars that came from the life I had before Hawkins and My ex Jason. It brought back a lot of terrible memories that I constantly tried to forget. Barry finally smiled and sighed with relief.

"Good, I did too. You should come to the game, be my good luck charm" Barry winked and put his arm around me.

"I can't" I promised Jonathan I would go on a date with him.

"Why not?"

"I have to-" I knew I couldn't use the excuse to say I was with Nancy because I assumed Steve and his posse would go to the football game which meant she would too, and and I wasn't going to tell him about Jonathan "I'm grounded"

"Oh" Barry starred at the field and chewed on his lip as if he was in deep thought. "What about Saturday? Steve talked his parents into getting his family's cabin over the weekend."

"And how would I explain that to my parents?" I shook my head laughing. They would never let me do such a thing as long as I still lived under their roof.

"I don't know, maybe Nancy could tell your parents that you'd be going with just her family"

I furrowed my eyebrows at Barry, he was as good at this lying to your parent thing than I was.

"I like the way you think" just then we heard a loud whistle that scared both of us. A man stood below with a clipboard. He didn't look happy.

"Don't worry, that's my dad" Barry whispered to me as we slowly walked down to the field. The coach had dark hair like Barry and the same blue eyes. I saw the resemblance and figured anyone at school must had known they were related by blood. It was obvious.

"I need you off the bleachers, practice is about to start. Go get in your uniform" Barry apologized and said he had to go. I understood so I went to walk away. "Wait!" The coach yelled behind me. I regretted coming to school today, but I turned around anyway. What was I going to do? Run? Maybe in California, but not here.

"Are you Kat?" I suspiciously nodded to his question. How did he know my name?

"Barry talks about you a lot" I was caught off guard and I found myself speechless. "Stay for practice. Maybe if he sees you watching he will actually what to play the game" the coach suggested. Guys in red uniforms showed up surely but slowly with water bottles and helmets in their hands.

"doesn't he play every time?"

"Of course he's my son, I'd never put him in the bench, but lately he's been asking to drop out. Barry could get a scholarship if he stays on this team, I won't let him."

I could see how Barry's dad had an opinion on his son playing football, but if Barry didn't want to play he shouldn't have to. If I wanted to get on the good side of Barry's parents I guess this was an easy way in on one of them, so I agreed and sat on one of the benches.

Barry jogged out in tight white football pants and a ted Jersey with the number 21 on the back. His dad was busy yelling out calls to the other guys on the team.

"you look hot in a uniform" I commented as he walked by. Barry rolled his eyes and chuckled under his breathe.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked stopping to fumble with his football gloves.

"Your dad wanted me to stay"

He raised his eyebrows in shock and put in his mouth guard and helmet and ran over to his other teammates. His uniform showed off his muscles and toned legs. For a second, I was glad Barry's dad asked me to stay. Everytime the ball was thrown by Barry he looked over to me and made eye contact and quickly looked away blushing. I think I was making him nervous in front of his teammates. They kept slapping him across the head, and yelling profanities at him, including his father.

"I think your making it worst, maybe you should go darlin'" his father said in the nicest way possible. It was harsh, but it didn't hurt my feelings. Instead I snickered as I walked away wondering if Barry was going to get in trouble at home tonight.

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