Chapter 15: Time After Time

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Cyndi Lauper - "Time After Time" (1983)

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Cyndi Lauper - "Time After Time" (1983)

"After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows - you're wondering
If I'm ok
Secrets stolen from deep inside"

Jonathan Tuesday 1pm

I noticed Kat was missing from school when I saw Barry slide a note into her locker. I clenched my hand into a fist and wondered what he was doing. Was he asking her to the dance? Or had he already asked her? I only had one more class left but I had to talk to Kat. I found the nearest pay phone outside of school and dialed her number. After ringing a few times it stopped.

"Hello?" A groggy Kat answered

"Hey um, it's Jonathan."

"Jonathan? Why are you calling?"

"I was worried about you"  Kat sniffled and I couldn't tell if she was sick or crying.

"Aren't you suppose to be in class?" Kat asked.


"So what? Your ditching to call me?"


I heard Kat laugh lightly over the phone and sniffle again.

"Well, If you have no plans to go back to school I'm home alone. Dont get any ideas, but you can come over."

"That sounds great, I'll be there" butterflies grew in my stomach as I hung up the phone. I've only known Kat a few days but something about her was different. She was the first girl besides Nancy that I actually liked. As I arrived I knocked on the door.

"Just come upstairs!" Kat yelled.

I walked upstairs and saw Kat in bed under layers of blankets. Her nose was red and her curly hair was all over the place but she looked as beautiful as ever to me.

"You can sit on my bed" Kat sat up and padded a spot next to her. Her room was painted a light purple and had band and movie posters all over her room similar to mine. I sat by her and she played with her hands on her lap. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Are you okay?"

She looked at me like she was about to burst into tears but she took a deep breath and sighed.

"I don't really know anymore"

"what do you mean? Do you miss your old house? Your friends?"

"No that's the thing"

"you don't miss them?"

"No. Not even a little bit"

I didn't really know anything about Kat. We never got to talk about anything personal in her life, but she knew all about mine before she came to town.

"Why not?"

"It's a long story"

"I'm listening" I said placing my hand on her leg. She ran her hands through her hair and drifted her gaze to her lap.

"I was awful. I broke the law multiple times, I was selfish, and rude to my parents, I had terrible influences of friends and a boyfriend. That's why we moved here, because of me."

"What happened?"

Kat flinched and I knew this was hard for her to talk about.

"It's okay, I'm here" I reassured her.

"Me and my friends were out one night on the beach and they were high on drugs and alcohol. I told them I needed to go home because I had a really bad feeling, but they wouldn't let me. My ex pulled out a gun he stole from his dad, he was trying to show off. He accidentally pulled the trigger and killed one of my friends." Kat started shaking and crying so I put my arms around her and rubbed her back.

"He threatened that if I said anything about what happened, he would blame me. So he dumped her body in the water and, and"

Kat sobbed into my shoulder and I held her tight. I couldn't imagine what she had to go through. It was something completely different than Will's situation, but we were still so damaged and messed up for our age.

I noticed Kat started hyperventilating and shaking even worst than before.

"Kat it's okay"

She didn't stop.


She stood up and grabbed onto her dresser gasping for breath. I hurried to her side but she started fading away. Her eyes rolled back and she fell into my arms. I picked her up and put her in my car and drove as quickly as I could to the hospital.

"Somebody help!" I screamed bursting through the front doors.


My reads just keep going down and down. Sad :(

Thanks to those who are still reading xo

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