Chapter 23: Girls Just Want To Have Fun

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Cydni Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (1983)

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Cydni Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (1983)

"I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they wanna have fun"

Kat 9am

I struggled to open my eyes, they felt as if they weighed a million pounds and we're glued together. When I did, I was met with sunlight that stung which resulted in me hissing in pain. "Morning sunshine!" I heard a voice say in a sing song tone. Where was I? Who was I with? My head pounded and I felt like it was going to explode. I knew this feeling all too well, so it didn't take me long to realize, I had a hangover. When my eyes finally adjusted to the brightness I noticed I was in a car, with Barry? Oh no. I hid my face behind my palms. What happened last night?

"We didn't..?" I regrettably asked even though deep down I didn't wanna know the answer.

"No! No, of course not" I sighed with relief.

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?" Barry asked passing me an unopened bottle of water. I thanked him taking the bottle and opening the cap to let the cool liquid run down my throat. I emptied the bottle and handed it back to Barry as he chuckled.

"I remember going to Jonathan's house, and..and seeing Nancy there..." Barry waited for me to continue. "And then you guys found me, and I got in a car with you, Tommy, Carol and Steve. That's it" Barry looked confused, he licked his lips and pressed the question

"Why were you going to Jonathan's? That guys a creep"

"I don't remember" I lied. Obviously I remembered. We had a date and he stood me up for Nancy. "Why is he a creep?"

"Last year Steve caught Jonathan with pictures of him and Nancy hooking up, she didn't even have a shirt on. And he kept them in his bag. What kinda sick bastard does that?"

"Wait, the pictures were of Jonathan and Nancy?"

"Hah he wishes.."

I was shocked and I didn't know what to think. I was upset and mad at how stupid I was for even liking Jonathan and giving him a chance. When Jonathan explained it, he made me pity him when I got upset over his relationship with Nancy. All along...He lied to me.

"Hey you okay? You didn't like him or anything right?" Barry snapped me out of my daze.

"Uh no, I just remembered why I was going over there."


"He let me borrow his biology book, I lost mine" I came up with a dumb excuse I knew Barry would believe. We sat in silence for a while and I realized I should probably go inside and meet the fate held in my parents hands. Instant death or torture? I turned to Barry and smiled. He did something last night no one would have done for me before I moved here. Or should I say something that no one has done for me before. "Thank you" I leaned over across the car seats and so did Barry. We met in the middle and our foreheads touched. Our lips met for a few seconds before I pulled away. Barry had a grin on his face that he tried to hide with biting his lip, which made him look even hotter. I waved goodbye as I reached the door and watched his car slowly get smaller and smaller down the road.

I nervously knocked and felt my stomach churn. My mother opened the door with my dad sitting behind her in the living room, his brows furrowed and arms crossed. When I got inside my mom sat beside him and began to speak. I stayed standing and interrupted before she could go on. "Wait" my parents looked at me with confusion, but let me continue. "I don't really have a reason why I was out all night, and I know I haven't been the child you guys wanted or the woman you wanted me to grow up as and I'm sorry. I want to prove to you..both of you that it wasn't a mistake adopting me, so I think I should go back to therapy again." My mother stood up and hugged me. Before we moved I went to a therapist after the murder happened. Surprisingly it helped me a lot even though I would never admit to my parents it did, until now.

"Kathleen we know it wasn't a mistake, we love you" I cried into my mom's shoulder and pulled away smiling

"I love you too" wow I don't think I've said that once out loud.

"You think that's what's best?" My mother asked holding my hands. I didn't waste any time in thinking it over and nodded. She looked to my dad who said he agreed. "Alright, guess I'll make an appointment tomorrow"


I watched the clock slowly tick away with every second. My knee bounced up and down as I sat in the waiting room by myself. My mother offered to go with me to the therapist but I insisted it was something I needed to do alone. "Kathleen" I looked up and a man with a clipboard stood. He had black wavy hair and a grey beard coming in. He had to be in his 40's but he was attractive for his age. I stood up and shook his hand. "I'm Dr. Perez" I was about to introduce myself before I remembered he had just called my name and already knew who I was so I smiled and nodded. I followed him down the hallway and entered a secluded room where he closed the door. His office was decorated very professionally. Picture frames were perfectly straight and everything on his desk were the same color, green. Green pens, a green stapler, a green name plate. He sat in front of me. "How are you today Kat?"I licked my lips about to speak. "trick question" He said tapping the pen on the clipboard he was still holding. I furrowed my eyebrows watching his movements. "What? Are you confused?"

"Well..yeah" I breathed out shaking my head. I hadn't spoken once since I arrived and met Dr. Perez and wasn't that the thing about therapist? You were suppose to talk? About your feelings about your day about how you were.

"We are here not to talk about your day, but your life correct?"

I shrugged "I guess so"

"Look" He set the clipboard down and put his elbows on his desk leaning close to me. "I read your file Kathleen, I already know about what happened before you came to Hawkins"

"and let me guess, you're here to help me" I sarcastically stated.

"If you want to be helped"



Also thanks to everyone who is still reading! I have been so busy so I'm sorry if the writing is not the best, i plan to go back and fix my chapters whenever I have a lot of time!

To explain this chapter a bit I know it's kinda confusing with the whole Barry and Jonathan situation. So with the last chapter Jonathan got Barry to help Kat when she was wasted but Barry doesn't know Jonathan and Kat have a thing he just thought Jonathan was trying to help Kat because he saw her drunk with Steve. Also did you notice Barry didn't tell Kat that Jonathan helped last night?

Anyways if you guys ever have questions about a chapter or anything comment and I'll always reply :)

Thanks for all the reads and comments! I see all of them! Means a lot.

Love you guys xo

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