Chapter 14: Kiss

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Prince - "Kiss" (1986)

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Prince - "Kiss" (1986)

"You don't have to be beautiful
To turn me on
I just need your body baby
From dusk till dawn
You don't need experience
To turn me out
You just leave it all up to me
I'm gonna show you what it's all about"

Kat (continued)

Once the movie was over and the credits began to roll, me and Nancy talked about how great the movie was with all the action packed scenes and of course the one with Harrison Ford without a shirt off. We walked outside still snacking on the crumbs of our large popcorn.

"Nancy!" Our attention turned to the voice that yelled.

"Steve?" Nancy pretended to acted shocked and I tried not to laugh. Then I noticed Barry walking up behind him and I mentally slapped myself.

"I thought you told me you had homework" Steve said shaking his head and putting his hands on his hips.

"Uh yeah, I finished it early" Nancy explained. I guess I wasn't the only one who lied.

"and you said you had to go do something with your family" Barry interupted folding his arms across his chest.

"Our plans were canceled" I quickly replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to but Nancy came over and-"

We all turned around to see Carol and Tommy making out against the cinema wall. He was running his hands all over her body and I awkwardly coughed.

"Well they look like their having fun!" Steve whistled and Tommy flipped him off not bothering to break apart from sucking Carl's face.

The scene made me uncomfortable along with Nancy.

"I have to go" she spoke while searching in her purse for her keys.

"Yeah me too"

"C'mon at least go with us to get ice cream" Barry said putting his bulky arm around my shoulders.

"I really have to be home, I told my mom I would help Mike with this project, he has a big science fair tomorrow" I knew Nancy was being honest. She gave me a look as if to say 'are you coming with me or not' I sighed, I had no intention of going back to this place called home, that I called hell instead.

"I'll actually catch up with you later Nancy" She smiled and waved goodbye.

"Hey can we talk?" I said to Barry. Steve was distracted in the corner talking with his friends.

"Yeah is everything alright?" Barry said putting his hands on my waist.

"Do you think we could just go hangout by ourselves?" I didn't want to be stuck with Tommy and Carol making dirty jokes all night and making out any chance they got.

"of course, you have anything in mind" He said leaning closer to me.

"Let's just get out of here" I laughed. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him.

"Sorry guys! We got places to go, people to see!" Barry called running out the front doors.

"We get it! You just want to make out!" Steve replied causing us both to laugh.

We jumped inside his car and drove up a small Hill that had a beautiful view of Hawkins at night. All the city lights gleamed and sparkled.

"do you take all your dates up here" I sarcastically remarked getting out of his car to sit on his roof once Barry placed a quilted blanket on top.

"I use to come up here with my dad, we would light off fireworks throughout the whole month of July and put on a show for everyone down below" Barry put his arm around me and leaned his head on mine. He smelled like brand new leather and mint.

"Who do you think that belongs to" I pointed to a bright light down below. I couldn't tell if it was a house or a baseball arena.

"Some asshole who earned all of his money from his dead parents" I chuckled at the dark but funny joke.

"What about that one" I pointed again to a lone light that was surrounded by no other lights.

"A crazy old cat lady who wanted to live in the wild and become one with the trees" I laughed again so hard I snorted and I covered my mouth immediately.

"You have a great laugh, you know that?"

"And you have to be kidding"

"No, I'm serious"

I couldn't help but blush. Barry was very attractive, and in the moonlight his blue eyes drew me in even more.

"I really like you" He said moving a strand of hair behind my ear. In that moment I wanted him to kiss me so bad. We both starred at each other in silent and it's like he read my mind. Barry smashed his lips upon mine and I didn't stop him. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in closer running my hands through the nape of his hair. One kiss became another and another and then he started lightly pushing his tongue between my lips. I bit his lip and he climbed on top of me. Wait. I had to stop. I couldn't let something happen that I might regret, but it felt so good. Barry's ice cold hands ran along my stomach under my shirt and I grabbed his arms pushing him off. I jumped off the hood of his car and stood with my back facing him. I pulled my shirt down and nervously chewed on my nails.

"You okay?"

"Take me home, please"

"did I do something?"

"Please just take me home Barry"


Aye drama fo yo momma

I really like this chapter idk.

Keep reading and voting. You guys are awesome.

I know nobody is team Barry but c'mon A YOUNG ROB LOWE

Finally the story is getting more interesting and  I'm so excited for the next few chapters :)

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