Chapter 6: Thriller

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Michael Jackson - "Thriller" (1982)

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Michael Jackson - "Thriller" (1982)

"You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind"

Kat 6:34 pm

Frantically searching for anything to stop the blood oozing from my nose, I grabbed the first thing I saw, paper hand towels dispensed on the wall next to the sink. I threw away blood covered tissue after blood covered tissue. I looked at my beat up reflection in the mirror. My hair was staticky, my lip was swollen, my eye makeup was smeared and my cheeks were flushed red. Let's not forget about my nostrils that were shadowed with dry crusty blood. It looked like I had shoved my face in a raspberry pie eating contests and did a poor job of wiping away the leftovers. Why was Jonathan even here with me, I was such a loser even though I pretended to be cooler than I was on the inside. I was a dork, when I laughed hard I snorted, Star Wars was my favorite movie ever and I loved drawing. On the outside I wore clothes that were mainly black and leather. All my jeans had holes in them and I always coated my eyes with an uncomfortable amount makeup.
But I wasn't always this way. In California I tried my best to be a good kid, I really did. After disappointing my parents once, wouldn't they be use to it a second time? I was sick of everyone judging me for being so good. It was my turn to be popular, and edgy. Just then the lights flickered and I flinched. I took a step away from the counter and paused. The bathroom was empty and quiet, it eliminated any sound coming from outside the door. The lights stayed on for a second and I let out a sigh of relief. Just then the room was consumed with complete darkness. I scrambled towards the door, trying to pick my brain on where exactly the door handle was at. My hands slid up and down, never quite finding what I was looking for. Anxiety started to kick in and breathing became more of a chore. "Help!" I screamed pounding on the wall...or door, I wasn't even sure. I heard a growling noise and panicked. Something was in here with me. Tears ran down my face and I yelled again, louder this time. "Help me!" The door opened and a familiar face appeared. The guy we met earlier, Steve. The bathroom lit up and I dropped to the floor shaking.

"Hey you okay?" Steve asked holding his hand out to help me up.  I ignored his request and stood to my feet, wiping my wet eyes. I searched the room for Jonathan and saw him sitting across the room next to Nancy. They were smiling at each other, laughing at some stupid joke she probably thought was hilarious. I huffed and rolled my eyes, taking off my skates and bumping shoulders with Steve on  the way out. The air outside was cold and froze my tears. I stood in the parking lot and thought of a plan. I didn't think my new house was too far so I figured I could just walk home. My feet started the journey as one thought in particular evaded my brain. Why did we come to Indiana out of all places, and why did it have to be Hawkins.


Authors note: I love this chapter so so much. It has intensity and kinda leaves you with a cliffhanger ;) sorry guys but that makes it so much more exciting and you know it!

College is still hard as ever so I'm doing the most I can with this story, trust me. Give me more feedback guys! Vote please! It really helps!

Alright well I gotta sleep now! I have to go to school tomorrow and then work 9pm to like 2am. The perks of working retail lol. Have a goodnight everyone! Or morning, or afternoon wherever you are:)

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