Chapter 20: A Matter Of Trust

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Billy Joel - "A Matter Of Trust" (1986)

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Billy Joel - "A Matter Of Trust" (1986)

"Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
And they may not want it to end
But it will it's just a question of when
I've lived long enough to have learned
The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned"

Kat 7:15 pm

I turned the key in the lock and make sure I heard the click. My parents were still at work so the house was empty, if they were home the door was always left open. Both of my parents shared one car, so I was stuck with walking to Jonathan's house. Luckily, I wore a pair of sneakers so the journey didn't drag on for too long. Once I reached Jonathan's house I took a deep breathe and walked up the stairs leading to the porch. I was about to knock when I heard voices from inside. Jonathan told me earlier on the phone he would be alone and asked me if my parents would agree to us hanging out, of course I never asked them so I lied and said yes anyway. I quietly stepped to the right to peer inside the window. Nancy was crying and Jonathan was holding her. I was immediately met with anger and sadness and I could not tell which emotion outweighed the other. I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep me from crying, and quickly made my way down the steps before I was noticed. I felt like an idiot for ever giving him a second chance. As I walked on the familiar road, my face was hit with cold raindrops that startled me out of my daze. "Great" I muttered to myself as the rain drops came down faster. I started jogging home when a car drove by me and skidded on their breaks to stop. The window rolled down and I saw Steve and Barry in the backseat, Tommy driving, and Carol in shotgun.

"Need a ride home?" Steve yelled.

I was hesitant, I was almost home and I was already drenched. My shirt was white so I folded my arms over my chest awkwardly hoping they couldn't see my black bra.

"I can make it" I yelled over the loud storm.

"Come to the game with us! We're gonna cheer on Barry" Steve put his arm around Barry and shook him in a playful gesture. I slowly debated the options in my head and if going with them would be so bad. Suddenly, Steve pulled something from under the seat and opened the door. He had a beer bottle in his hand. When he came close to me I could smell a strong scent of cigarettes and his eyes were bloody red. For a moment, I was positive he had been doing more than just smoking and drinking. "C'mon, it'll be fun" he taunted me pushing the bottle closer to me. Stuff like this was exactly what got me in trouble before we moved, but I hadn't done anything in Hawkins that could get me arrested. Doubt clouded my mind for a second, but then I paused and remembered seeing Jonathan with Nancy. I wondered if Steve knew? He had to. Looking the way he did and all. I laughed under my breathe, we were both emotional wrecks. I ripped the bottle out of Steve's hand and popped off the lid. The burning liquid ran down my throat and Steve cheered.

"Woo! Get this girl another!" Steve hopped inside the car and I followed him shutting the door. Tommy started the engine again and I looked outside the back of the truck towards Jonathan's house. Was I just being selfish? Maybe something seriously bad happened to Nancy. "Hey you okay?" Steve said putting his arm around me and scooting closer. Our bodies were pushed up against each other since the back seat was small and I caught Barry giving me a concerned look from the opposite end. I hated that look. It was too easy to know what that look meant after I had received it so many times from my parents, old friends, teachers, cops... So I pushed out every emotion and thought why not. "Dude! Didn't you hear me?" Steve said to Barry. Barry sighed and bent down to reach under Tommy's seat for another beer. Before he handed it to him he whispered  "Isn't this a bad idea? If you guys get caught drunk at the game you could get suspended" Steve handed me another beer and grabbed a bottle for his own.  "loosen up man, be more like her" he pointed his finger to me. Steve tapped the glass bottle to mine. "A toast to us" I smiled at him and cheered raising up my hand "to us!"


I don't think anyone is reading this story anymore and I have so many great ideas on how to continue it but maybe I'll just end it soon :'/

Also I changed all the names of the chapters to 80's songs and out a few lyrics in there that relate :)

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