Chapter 21: Another One Bites The Dust

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Queen - "Another One Bites The Dust" (1980)

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Queen - "Another One Bites The Dust" (1980)

"Steve walks warily down the street
With his brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go"

Jonathan 7:30 pm

"So what happened?" I asked Nancy trying to comfort her.

"I thought Steve changed after you know...But then he started hanging around Tommy and Carol again and I realized he's the same jerk that he was before"

"So you just broke it off?" Nancy nodded holding back tears so I pulled her close. "I'm so sorry". I never liked Steve, he was a bully. I was glad Nancy finally noticed she was too good for him, but at the same time whenever she was with him she seemed happy and now..she was just as sad as when she lost Barb. "You can stay for dinner" I offered, but she stood up and politely declined.

"I should probably get going. My mom doesn't know where I am"

"At least let me give you a ride"

"That'd be great." The drive was quiet, I was too afraid to ask Nancy another question and see her break out in tears again. A part of me was glad she came to me, she knew she could trust me. I pulled into the driveway and saw Will's bike laying across the lawn, along with his friends. "Thanks" she said unbuckling the seatbelt. She waved goodbye once she got to the door and walked inside.

Now, I had to figure out how to explain things to Kat. She never showed up for our date, but I knew she would never flake on me. I assumed Steve told Barry some stupid rumor about Nancy, like she cheated on him because nothing was ever his fault and that she was 'probably' with me, and so Barry must've told Kat. I drove to Kat's house,  every light was off inside and no cars were parked in the driveway. I knocked on the door for five minutes, but no one answered. I cursed under my breath. Where would she be? With Barry maybe, but where would Barry be? I remembered seeing a poster in the halls after class. Something about school spirit and a football game. I turned the keys and pressed on the gas. I felt like I was on some mission and it was life or death. Barry was the master villain, Kat was the damsel in distress, and I was the hero. Once I found an empty spot in the parking lot I locked my car and jogged to the field. The scoreboard showed 23-26, and Hawkins was winning. I scanned the crowd for Kat which wasn't easy. I noticed a couple making out, Tommy and Carol. Next to them was Steve and, and Kat? The whole crowd was standing up except Tommy and Carol so they were easy to point out. Steve and Kat were cheering together. When I got closer to them I heard Steve shout 

"We need to get Barry's attention" Kat laughed and jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas

"I know how!" Kat went to lift up her shirt, but I yelled before she could.

"Kat!" Steve and Kat's eyes followed my direction.

"Hey man! Why you gotta ruin the moment!" Steve put his arm around Kat. Her shirt was clearly see-through, her makeup was smeared and her face was sweaty.

"Are you drunk?" Kat's feet wobbled back and forth, she couldn't keep her balance so she fell with Steve back onto the bleachers. Steve and Kat laughed loudly and a few kids behind them grew angry and told them to shut up. They were both wasted. Tommy told the row behind them to back off and flipped them off. The kids stood up and left, pushing their way past me.

"Kat, come with me" I reached my hand out to her, but Tommy stood up and pushed me back.

"She's with us man, she doesn't wanna be with you" I returned the favor and pushed Tommy back. Tommy puffed his chest and was about to come at me again, but Carol grabbed him.

"He's not worth it" she hissed giving me a dirty look. Tommy bit his lip and drew in a deep breath. He shook his head at me and sat back down giving in to Carol's request. I knew I would not be able to get past them, but I had another plan. I refused to let Kat make a fool out of herself and get in trouble. If he really had feelings for her like I did, he would help me.

Jonathan ByersWhere stories live. Discover now