Chapter 11: Voices Carry

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'Til Tuesday - "Voices Carry" (1985)

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'Til Tuesday - "Voices Carry" (1985)

"I'm in the dark, I'd like to read his mind
But I'm frightened of the things I might find"

Jonathan 2:40 pm

"two please" I told the office lady as I handed her a $10 bill. She smiled and pulled out two tickets from a drawer.

"Here you go hun"

"thanks" I replied flatly as I left. Making my way to my car my stomach ached with nervousness. How would I even ask Kat? Everyone made asking a girl to a dance a big deal and most importantly would she even say yes? As I reached my car I was about to pull out my keys from my pocket but I heard someone running behind me. Kat? I thought she was mad according to where we left things off last.I still had the tickets in my hand so I shoved them behind my back suspiciously.

"Looks like you have a lot to tell me" Kat noticed I was hiding something. I stayed quiet, there was no way I was asking her now. "Well?"
Kat raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.
She was not in the mood to play games. So I gave in.

"Get in"

I drove us to the woods where Will's fort was. We got out and I lead the way with a very quiet Kat behind me. Our feet hit the leaves and they crunched and shattered into a million little pieces. Once we reached the fort I opened the door that was a blanket and gestured for Kat to come in. She ducked under the short entrance and I followed behind her. We both sat down. Kat admired all the details inside and saw a picture of Will and his friends.

"Which one is he?" She asked holding up the frame.

"that one" I pointed and Kat smiled.

"He looks like you"

The wind howled outside and Kat shivered. I started to pull off my denim jacket but she insisted she was fine.

"So what happened?" Kat asked the question I was dreading to hear as she set the picture frame back in place.

"You're never going to believe me"

"try me"

I shifted on my legs uncomfortably, how do I even start? Nothing I said was going to make any sense, but Kat wanted to know the truth and I wasn't one to lie, but maybe this once, I would have to twist the story a bit.

"Will went missing, and it was really hard on family I mean. Everyone in town was positive my Mom went crazy. She thought Will was taken by a monster and that he talked through the lights."

"Wait-what?" Kat leaned in interested in the story. I knew it was too late to change my mind and stop now.

"It was a way she dealt with grief I guess," finally he showed up one day after chief Hopper found him in the woods" I lied.


"Yeah..I mean everyone in town gossips about Hopper but he's a good guy, and a good cop. He saved Will"

"Saved? I thought you said found?"

"Right, that's what I meant"

"did someone take him?" Kat asked. I wanted to say more like something but I bit my tongue.

"No he just got lost"

"for how long?"  Kat was asking detailed questions and I was almost making up a whole new story now.

"A few days" Finally Kat gave up with the questions about Will after realizing how awful I was at answering them.

"And how are you doing?"

For a second I was caught off guard. During the whole situation I don't think one person asked me how I was, it was always "How is your mom holding up?" and when Will got back  "Is he any different? Does he remember anything?"

I thought for a moment in all seriousness. How was I? I didn't even know.

"I'm...alright I guess"

"you can talk to me"

"let's go, it's getting dark"

Omg the Super Bowl ad was amazing but way too short, I can't wait any longer! 9 months are you kidding me!?!?:"(

I just watched stranger things again, all in like one day because I stayed home from class and I have the worst cramps ever lol.

The first time I watched it I kinda hated Steve but now he has kinda grown on me, (of course always Team Jonathan) but maybe he will be in the story more who knows, would you guys want that?

Alright well thanks to everyone who is reading this story even if I take forever to update! Never would have thought I would get 700 reads! xoxo

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