14: A Confrontation

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The weekend had passed, and it was now a Tuesday. School was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming week-long Thanksgiving break. Something hit Gabriel in the head.

It was a paper airplane. Gabriel looked behind him, but no one was paying him any mind, or even looked as if they had seen a piece of paper sail through the air a minute ago.

Gabriel unfurled the airplane. Inside was a note scrawled in red ink.


I have the supplies for that prank you made up on Sunday. Meet me in the lobby outside the central office right before lunch if you want to do it.


Gabriel's head swiveled towards Sam, who was dutifully scribbling something in his notebook, no sign that he had just thrown a note at Gabriel's head.

Gabriel smiled to himself as he stared obviously at Sam. Sam's long hair framed his face perfectly, and the early morning sun reflected off his hazel eyes, making them glow golden.

Goddammit, he is too cute, Gabriel thought.

~~Time Skip to right before lunch~~

Sam sat, anxious, in one of the armchairs in the lobby. His bag was in between his feet, full of the supplies for the prank he and Gabriel were about to do.

That is, if Gabriel showed up.

Sam checked the clock outside the office. 11:58 on the dot. Lunch had just started. Gabe wasn't there.

Sam sighed. Gabriel wasn't coming. Sam stood up, grabbed his bag, and headed off to the lunch room. As he neared the turn to get to the cafeteria, he heard voices. Angry voices.

"-I know what you've been doing, Gabriel Novak." A menacing British voice said.

"Oh really, Crowley? And what's that?" Gabriel's jokey voice called back.

There was a scuffle. "Don't be smart, Gabriel."

"I'm going to be as smart as I want." Gabriel said, slightly pained.

Sam could here the sound of knuckles hitting skin. "You just don't know when to quit, do you."

There was no response. Sam's pulse quickened. Is Gabriel hurt? Should I go rescue him? Of course, that would be suicide. A match between class bully Crowley and me would be no contest. But still, Gabriel's my best friend.

"I know you've been pranking my girl Jess. I know you're the Trickster."

"Uh huh, and how're you going to prove that?"

"So you're not denying it."

"I didn't say that."

Another hit. Sam could hear Gabriel's pained "huh" as Crowley's fist collided with him.

It was too, too much. Sam realized his feet were walking and his fists were clenched as he confronted Crowley against all of his better judgement.

Oh God, what am I about to do.

Before Sam realized he was talking, he said, "back off, Crowley." He tried to sound menacing, but it actually sounded desperate and pleading.

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