2: On the Road to Love

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7 AM was just too early for proper bodily function. Gabriel had to fight to keep his eyes open as the Impala coasted down miles and miles of highway.

Dean hadn't wasted any time getting on the road. When he had pulled up in front of the Novak house, the trunk was already packed with his and Cas's things. Cas was already asleep.

Gabriel had throw his backpack and duffel bag into the trunk, jumped in, and had proceeded to fall asleep.

Now that they were on the highway, sleep was impossible. The honking of horns, the speeding vehicles, the different curses Dean would use every time someone cut him off; they all made it impossible to get even a wink of rest.

"According to Google," Cas muttered, "We can be there by 4 if we don't stop."

"I'm hungry," Gabe whined from the backseat.

"Why didn't you have breakfast before we left?" Cas eyed Gabe through the driver's mirror.

"I wasn't hungry then. Can we stop at Chick-Fil-A?"

"We're not stopping at some greasy chicken joint-"

"How about a greasy burger joint?" Dean looked across the car to Cas, batting his eyelashes like a love-struck teenager.

"Fast food is really bad for you, Dean."

"But you didn't say no."

"Just drive, smartass."

So Dean drove for a mile or so before he coasted into a In-'N-Out drive-through. He ordered burgers for the whole car, and while they were waiting, cranked up the music.

"Dean, turn that down! You're blasting my eardrums out of my ears!"

"Rock and roll is meant to be enjoyed loud!"

With a flick of his fingers, Cas turned the knob. The fast notes of Allegro Appasionato came blaring out on the speakers, the classical music filling up the car.

Dean grimaced and turned the volume down.

"Is this from Yuri on Ice or something?" Gabriel asked, leaning forward. "I think I've heard it on, um, Tumblr or something."

"It's possible. I mean, the author wants a second season of Yuri on Ice so badly, so it makes sense that she would make a reference to it."

Gabriel sighed, taking a bite of his burger. Cas hadn't changed a bit in three years, except his relationship status with Dean.

"Yuri On Ice? Is that some TV show? Sounds romancey."

"It's an anime." Cas and Gabriel said together.

"Anime? That Chinese stuff where everyone's all "SENPAI!" all the time?"

As if he doesn't know what anime is. I've seen what you leave up on your computer, Dean.

"It's Japanese." Cas muttered.

"And, no, it isn't like that." Gabriel mumbled, blushing. Maybe he had a secret anime obessesion, but he wasn't going to admit it to Dean and Cas.

Dean cruised back onto the road, weaving in and out of compact cars and 18 wheelers. He rested one hand on the steering wheel and the other lightly on the divider between his and Cas's seat. Cas's fair hand lay on top of Dean's calloused one.

They're really cute together. Gabriel smiled to himself. I ship them so hard.

Kinda makes me wish I had a relationship of my own.

Gabriel shook the thought away. No point dwelling on angst when he was about to see the best person he'd ever met.


Sam rushed out of the lecture hall, keeping his head down so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone.

It wasn't that Sam didn't want to talk to people. He just didn't want to have to deal with people's drama.

He'd gotten enough of it last night. Kevin had come back to the dorm all dovey-eyed and babbling about some girl in his Literature class. Sam had forgotten her name, but she had sounded like some girly, romantic poet or something.

Sam missed his friends from school. He missed Bobby. Hell, he even missed Dean. He hoped he was still with Cas.

Cas. An image of the trench-coated man filled Sam's mind. Sure, Cas probably looked a lot different than the nineteen-year-old Sam had left him as. But Cas had been a good friend of Sam's. Sam's heart filled with a sudden longing for his old friend.

Not once did Gabriel cross Sam's mind.

Suddenly, Sam's feet hit something. He stumbled forward, tripping over himself and falling to the unrelenting pavement.

"Hey, hey! You okay?"

Lucifer. Sam would recognize his voice anywhere.

Sam looked up. "Luce?"

"That's my name." Lucifer looked down at Sam. "Well, a shortened version of it."

Sam gathered his scattered things in his arms and stood up. He couldn't form words. Lucifer is here at Stanford? How? Why?

"So, you're okay?"

And he doesn't recognize me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"I'm fine!" Sam snapped.

Putting his hands up in mock surrender, Lucifer took a step back. "Woah there. I'm sorry."

How could he not remember me?

"Just... I'm fine." And with that, Sam walked off.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Lucifer's confused look. But he shrugged it off and kept on.


Shorter chapter but at least I updated, right? I'm sorry, I need to update more often, I know. I'll try.

Anyways, thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Have an amazing day!

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