10: Glitter Traps

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It had been two weeks since the day Sam was interrogated. The principal hadn't confronted him again, but she had given him suspicious looks whenever they passed each other in the hallways.

Gabriel and Sam had done a few pranks, but not too many, so not to arouse too much suspicion.

Sam hadn't spent a whole lot of time with Gabriel in the time. They hadn't gone to each others' houses, went anywhere together, or really hung out at all. The only time they were together was in the hallways, in classes, or while pranking.

Gabriel had gotten Sam's number from Kevin, but he was still working up the courage to actually call or text him.

And Lucifer and Cas had kept their promise to not tell anyone about Gabriel's gayness, if anyone was wondering.


It was now Thursday, two weeks from everyone's favorite holiday of food. The sky was covered in angry grey clouds, but it wasn't raining. The fierce wind blew Gabriel's long hair in his face as he made his way to Lucifer's car, which was waiting in the driveway.

He dragged his bag behind him, then hopped in the back seat behind Cas, who was sitting in the passenger's seat. Gabriel attemped to smooth down his hair, but failed miserably.

"Took you long enough, Sleeping Beauty." Lucifer commented as he started the car.

"Nice hair," Cas commented.

Gabriel just huffed and looked out the window. His feet kicked against his backpack and made clinking sound like metal.

"What is in your bag?" Cas asked.

Gabriel smiled. "Supplies."


"It's a surprise, Cassy."

Cas sighed. "Of course it is; if it wasn't, the story wouldn't have any suspense."

Gabriel looked out the window again, not registering Cas's fourth wall break just then. Lucifer, however, was driving with a confused look on his face.

Eventually, Lucifer arrived at school. When he parked, he shoved Cas out of the car, shouting his daily benediction: "Have fun or something!"

Gabriel also got out, grabbing his bag and flinching at the clank of the metal. He had a couple cans of glitter spray paint packed, along with a can of regular color, for his tag. It was going to be a good day.

He pushed the front door open, then made a beeline for locker 444. Sam was already at his locker, throwing books in his bag.

"Heya, Samsquatch."

Sam looked up. "Hi, Gabriel."

"So," Gabriel rattled his bag, "How's about another prank?"

Sam broke into a grin. "Great."

"Alright." Gabriel grabbed Sam's hand, and led him off towards the gym. When they arrived, Gabriel pushed the heavy wood doors open.

"What are we doing?" Sam asked.

"So, my sister Anna informed me of which gym locker is Jess's. She also told me that Jo's is the one right next to it." Gabriel bent down in front of the girl's locker room's door, fished a bobby pin around in the doorknob, and pushed the door open.

The inside of the girl's locker room was significantly cleaner and nicer-smelling than the boy's. Gabriel made a beeline to number 31, then picked the lock on the locker.

"What are we actually doing, though?" Sam asked.

Gabriel handed him a can of green paint, a can of gold, and a bundle of string. "Setting up a glitter trap."

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