19: Carnival Lights

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Sam pulled away from Gabriel. His cheeks were flushed and his heart was racing. I just kissed Gabriel. He just kissed me. Holy crap.

Gabriel looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Sam, I didn't-"

"Please don't be sorry." Sam said quietly. "I hope it wasn't that bad."

"Bad?" Gabriel looked up suddenly. "It certainly wasn't bad. It was- well- it was amazing."

Sam blushed. "Amazing?" He stepped closer to Gabriel.

"I mean, it was for me..." Gabriel flushed deep red. "I mean, I didn't mean..." He stammered, trying to collect his thoughts.

"Are you... getting tongue-tied, Gabriel Novak?" Sam asked, smirking in the sunset's light. "I thought I'd never live to see the day."

Gabriel gave a small smile. "I guess I am." He smirked back. "But don't think for a second that it'll ever happen again."

Somewhere in a bush, the sound of someone chanting in a whisper reached Sam's ears. "O. T. P." It chanted. "O. T. P."

Sam smiled at Gabriel. "Your brother has arrived."

"He's been following you all day." Another voice, this one a tad deeper, whispered.

"Well..." Gabriel got close to Sam, feeling the fabric of Sam's flannel rub against his bare arms. He leaned in softly and pecked Sam's lips.

The first voice from the bush shrieked an inhuman noise. The other one sighed.

Gabriel smirked at Sam, who smirked back. "Luce -- and whoever else is in there -- come out of there."

The first voice hesitated. "Do you mean the closet, or this bush? Because I could do both..."

'He's bi' Gabriel mouthed to Sam. "I meant the bush, Luci."

The bush rustled, then a head with sandy blonde hair and pale blue eyes popped out. Lucifer.

"Finally." He sighed, smiling at the two younger boys. "The sexual tension was killing me."

Sam blushed at that. Gabriel smirked. Lucifer climbed out of the bush, a familiar face with black hair and a pointed nose coming out behind him.

"Michael? When'd you get here?" Gabriel asked.

Michael shrugged. "Me and Balth decided to come after you guys left. We borrowed Dad's car."

"And how in the world did you and Lucifer both fit into that bush?" Sam asked.

Michael and Lucifer shrugged in sync. "We managed." Michael said. Lucifer smirked.

There was an awkward few seconds that passed in between the four boys, until Lucifer finally broke the silence.

"Well?" He asked.

"Well, what?" Sam replied.

"Well, who kissed who? Was it awkward? Passion-filled? I want details!"

Gabriel made a choking noise when Lucifer said 'awkward'.

Sam blushed when he said 'passion-filled'.

"Well, Lucifer, if you must know, we have to go." Gabriel grabbed Sam's hand, which was cold, and ran off into the carnival.


What happened next was a blur to Sam. The first moment Lucifer was asking him questions, the next he was running, barely able to keep up with Gabriel, into the darkened carnival. The sun had set, but there were still multi-colored lights illuminating the various stalls and rides.

Gabriel was still running, pulling Sam along. Between breaths, Sam was able to choke out, "where- are we- going?"

Gabriel didn't answer, but it seemed that he was going slower now, allowing Sam to catch up with him. The boy with the honey-colored hair rounded a corner, jumping into a yellow and orange booth with pink lights.

Sam followed him, but stopped in front of the booth. Breaking and entering, even if it was just a carnival booth, was a little extreme for Gabriel.

"Gabe Novak!" A hearty voice called. "What brings you around?"

Sam looked into the booth, where a tall man stood, talking to Gabriel.

"Well, Benny, I'd like you to meet my friend--well, I don't know if we're just friends, but-- my friend Sam."

"Sam?" Benny turned to face Sam, his dark eyes tracing Sam's face. "You got yourself a boyfriend? Good for you!"

Sam blushed. Gabriel stammered. "He's not- well- we're not- boyfriends- at least- I mean- I don't think so."

Sam simply said, "boyfriends?" He liked the sound of that. Being called Gabriel's boyfriend.

"I'm just kidding, kid." Benny turned back to Gabriel. "So? What did you really come here for?"

"We were just getting away from Lucifer. You were the first person I saw."

"Luce? Let me guess, he got all stalker-y on your asses."

"Yeah. I think he ships us a tad too hard."

"Well, I'm about to close up. But you two are free to stay here if you want."

Benny went about his business, closing up the booth and putting away things and what not. After about two minutes, he said his goodbyes, reminded Gabriel to use protection, and left the booth.

"He seems nice." Sam said after Benny had gone and left.

"Benny? Yeah, he's pretty cool."

Sam sat up on the booth's counter, next to where Gabriel was sitting.

Both of them sat in companionable silence, each content with their own thoughts, before Gabriel softly said, "you do know I'm falling for you, right, Sam?

Sam nodded quietly. "I know."

Gabriel didn't say anything for a long time. Then, without warning, he leaned over, very softly, and kissed Sam.

It wasn't desperate or longing like the first kiss was. It was soft and tentative and sensitive. It was timid and quiet. It was passionate but not fiery, not fierce.

Gabriel pulled away, but left his forehead on Sam's. "You know I'm in love with you, Sam Winchester."

"I know." Sam breathed.

Somewhere in the distance, Sam could briefly smell caramel popcorn and smoke. Overhead, the evening's firework exploded in blooms of oranges and whites and greens and blues. Sam could hear sparks fizzling in the atmosphere.

Gabriel kissed him again. Sam kissed back. Fireworks exploded. Gabriel put his arms around Sam's shoulders. Sam leaned into his embrace. Color bloomed in the sky, illuminating the stars.

For a brief moment, Sam pulled away from Gabriel to whisper. "I love you too, Gabriel Novak."

Another firework popped. Gabriel smiled and said, "I know." Then the two locked lips, never wanting to let go.


This fluff is literally giving me life, guys. It's just... great. God, I love this. Well, this is the second-to-last chapter. I'm going to miss this when it's over.

Thanks for 4K reads and 400 votes guys!! You guys are freaking amazing!

Anyways, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Have a great day, guys!

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