5: The Meeting of Destiny

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"Oh shut up you-"

"Tsk tsk, Dean. There are children present." Cas waggled his finger at Dean like a soccer mom giving her kid a scolding.

"I'm not a child!" Gabe complained, leaning forward.

Cas raised an eyebrow. "Are you now?" He took his hand, placing it in Dean's chin. "What if I said I was going to slide my tongue-"

"No no no! La la la la la, I can't hear you!"

"My point has been proven." Cas smiled smugly to himself, crossing his arms in satisfaction.

Dean huffed. "No one cares about your point that Gabriel's an immature little child-"

"I'm nineteen, asshole."

"And I'm 23, what's your point? Anyway, I'm telling you, Cas, we need to get off at the next ramp-"

"And I'm telling you, we need to wait 8.7 miles until we reach Santa Clara!" Cas protested.

"That's not right."

"Yes it is, Dean. Do you truly doubt me that much? I thought we agreed that I'm the smart one in this relationship."

Dean mumbled something inaudible but faintly profane under his breath.

"What was that, dearest?"

"Nothing, just saying how much I love you."


Gabriel tuned out the lovey-dovey couple as he glanced down at his phone. Only a few more hours, he thought. Only a few more hours until I can see Sam.

~~A Few Hours Later~~

Sam stared out the window of his dorm. The clouds rolled by, threatening to spit rain. The sun spilled out of a hole in the grey blanket, making it seem like the heavens were coming down to earth.

He had already texted Gabriel his address and how to get onto campus.

Now all he could do was wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Kevin was off at class, so the room was silent. Most students were off having dinner, or studying at the library, or just socializing. They certainly weren't holed up in their dorm rooms, dreading the fact that they'd have to meet their old boyfriend in a few minutes.

I don't want to see him.

Anxiety. Fear.

I really don't want to see him.

It felt like his chest was being squeezed. His feet felt like they were cement blocks nailed to the floor.

I really, really don't want to see him.

He focused his eyes on the window. The clouds rumbled, mirroring his stomach.

Dinner. I should go get some dinner. No, then Gabe and Cas and Dean'll get here and I won't be here and they'll wonder where I am and-

The sky gave a heave, and rain started to trickle down Sam's window.

I just want him to like me. I just want him to remember me. To like me the way he used to.

But what if he doesn't?


Gabe stood at the base of the dorm, his hand resting on the doorknob. Cas and Dean were still getting out of the car, jabbering on like an old married couple.

This was it. He was going to finally see Sam.

He opened the door. The dorm smelled of instant coffee and old socks, and was virtually empty of students.

Oh God, what if Sam's not here?

Cas and Dean entered behind him.

"Welp, this is it, Gabe," Dean said.

Cas brushed past Gabe, heading for the staircase. The other two followed wordlessly.

I'm really going to see him.

The troupe made their way up the staircase, to the second floor, where Sam's room was. Number 567.

They stood in front of the door, still not saying anything.

Gabe raised his hand, but hesitated. What if Sam's not the same? What if he doesn't like me? What if-

Cas leaned over and rapped on the door three times.

"What'd you do that for?!"

"You weren't going to do it."

"But you didn't have to-"

The door opened.

"Jesus Christ, Sam. You're like a tree," Cas said.

And he was right. Sam was no longer the gangly teen Gabriel had left him as. He was a full-grown man now.

But those damn hazel eyes hadn't changed a bit. The eyes the Gabriel had swooned over met his own.

"Hiya, Samantha."

"Hi, Gabe."

"Long time no see, huh?"



Welp, that's the end of this short little extra-story epilogue thing. Hope you guys enjoyed my failure.

Thanks so much for reading, even after all this time. If you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Have a fantastic day!

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