Hard Knock Life

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     I let out a sigh of relief as I walked into the yard, I couldn't help but to smile. I was free for the first time since my parents were alive. After a few minutes of enjoying my freedom I finally decided I was gonna pay Sister Rosemary a visit later on. Looking around the property I began cleaning up bagging up the empty beer cans, stacking the wood, I even destroyed Paw's garden. There was no way in hell I was gonna eat food grown with dead children as fertilizer. I wanted to tell the cops about it, tell them what he did, but I couldn'... not without getting myself arrested for Paw's murder. I decided it would be best if I went back to St. Mary's at night, the less witnesses, the better. I placed all the empty cans in the back of the truck, figured I'd take them to the recycling center for money, just like the old days.

     I then turned my attention to the house. I threw my blood soiled clothes in a burning barrel in the front yard and set them on fire, burning away the memories. I decided to keep Paw's clothes for emergencies, so I boxed them up and hid them away in his closet. I got most of the house straightened up before the sun began to set, boarded up the broken windows, cleaned the yard, and cleaned the trailer. Everything was beginning to look a lot better and I couldn't be happier to be alone. The sun finally set on the mountain and I knew it was time to head out.

     I struggled as I placed a truck bed cover on the truck to prevent the bags of empty cans from falling out, I had a feeling that was going to be my only source of money for a while. I climbed in the truck and began searching for the keys, as expected I found it in the ignition. "Fuckin' drunk." I smiled as I started the truck . "Where is the fuckin' headlights?" I asked as I blindly felt around for the switch.

     I finally turned the lights on and was about to put it in drive, but I stopped myself. I grasped the steering wheel as I realized that I had no idea how to drive. "Shouldn't be too complicated." I said out loud. "If his drunk inbred ass can drive, then I know I can." I fastened my seatbelt and put the truck in drive, the gears screeched like nails on a chalk board. I slowly drove the truck down the driveway and drove off into the night.

     I took it slow going down the mountain, but once I hit the highway I took off. luckily the road wasn't too busy because I was all over the road. I finally managed to keep the truck in my own lane and soon after I arrived at St. Mary's. I turned the truck off before pulling into the driveway and turned off the headlights as I slowly crept the truck closer to the building. All the lights were off and it made my timing nearly perfect. I put the truck in park and quietly climbed out leaving the door cracked for a quick getaway.

     I decided to go in through the backdoor since it was the quietest entrance, but sadly the door was locked. "Damn." I whispered. I thought to myself as I contemplated on how to get inside. Then it hit me, Sister Rosemary always had me hide a spare key outside in case I came back late hunting. I turned around and looked for the bench, it was so dark I couldn't see two feet in front of me. After a few moments of feeling around I finally found the wooden bench. "Please say she forgot to remove the key." I begged as I reached under the seat.

     "Yes!" I whispered. "She just made this too easy." I ripped the taped key out from it's hiding spot and finally entered the building. Creeeeeek. The door quietly opened, nothing but silence. I cracked the door behind me and quietly made my way towards Sister Rosemary's office. The door was cracked open. I peered through the slit in the doorway and saw her asleep at her desk. I quietly chuckled. "I hope your conscience ate at ya while I was away." I thought to myself. I quietly entered the office and shut the door behind me. Sister Rosemary didn't stir.

     "Might as well go through 'er shit while I'm here." I thought to myself as I ransacked her office. She slept the entire time, until I accidentally knocked a bible off her shelf. THUD! The book echoed throughout the room, jolting Sister Rosemary awake. She couldn't see me for all the lights were out, but the moonlight coming through the window lit her up like a spotlight on stage, like a potential kill in my crosshairs .

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now