The Governor's Prisoner

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A/N: The following chapter contains a tid bit of sexual assault and physical torture. Reader's discretion is advised.  

     Everyone was geared up for war, body armor, flash grenades, unlimited rounds, The Governor was coming and we all knew it. Everyone had packed up their things to make it look like we had left, but I didn't. Daryl packed up my things for me along with Merle's things and tossed them into the back of the Hyundai, when he returned, I haven't moved.

     "Michaela." I didn't respond. "Michaela, we gotta go." Daryl grabbed my arm and I yanked it away from him. "Babe, what's wrong?" I didn't answer, I didn't even look at him. "I'm hurtin' too, but we gotta go. The Governor's gonna be here any minute." I didn't move. "I just lost my brother, don't make me lose you too." I finally looked up at Daryl and nodded. Daryl held his hand out to me and helped me stand up from our bed. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. "We'll get through this. Together." I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him in a tight hug.

     "You'll never lose me. I love you, Daryl." Daryl pulled away from me and looked at me. He had Merle's eyes, the same kind eyes, the Dixon eyes. Daryl opened his mouth to speak. BOOM!

     "He's here!" Glenn shouted over the radio attached to Daryl's hip. "Everyone in position!"

     "C'mon!" Daryl grabbed me by my hand and led me deep into the tombs.

     "Where are we goin'?" I asked as the sound of gunfire and explosions echoed from the outside. Daryl looked around and shoved me into a janitor's closet. "Daryl!"

     "Stay here. I'll come back for ya. Keep your knife and gun close, kill anyone who's from Woodbury." Daryl kissed me one last time before slamming the door shut and running down the hall. I backed up against the wall. The halls were silent for quite some time until I heard the faint sound of footsteps enter the hall. I gripped my knife tight and kept quiet. A bright light flooded into the room from the crack under the door, the footsteps stopped. I held my breath for what seemed like forever before they continued on. BOOM! The people in the hall began to scream. BARATATATATATATATATATAT! BOOM! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The prison alarms began to go off.

     "HOLD YOUR GROUND!" A man shouted. "HOLD YOUR GROUND! BARATATATATATATATAT! BRATATATATATATATATAT! The closet door swung open and a man ran inside, hiding from the gunfire. I tried to keep perfectly still so he wouldn't see me, but it was too late. He saw me when he opened the door.

     I felt the hot barrel of his gun press up against my head. "I'm not gonna kill you, I just need you to show me a way out of here." The man explained.

     "Bite me, prick." I hissed. The man cocked his gun and pressed it harder against my head.

     "I just want to get the hell out of here." I raised my gun, but the man shoved my arm away. POP! My ears rang as I fired off a round. I lunged at the man with my knife, stabbing him in what I thought was his chest. "GAAAAAAAAH!" POW! The man slammed his fist into my face. POW! The man headbutted me, I fell to the ground, dropping my weapons. The room began to spin as the man grabbed me by my hair. "You stupid fuckin' bitch!." THWACK!


     "We did it." Rick panted as we looked over the courtyard. "We drove 'em out."

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now