Hershel's Secret

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     After repairing the stitches Daryl busted in his side, he and I returned to our tent and sat in silence. I wondered why he stood up for me, why he still wanted to be around me after what I just told everyone, why he wasn't afraid of me. I looked over at Daryl who was poking holes in the netting of the tent with one of his arrows, and let out a chuckle. "Ya know, the net is supposed to keep the bugs out." Daryl looked over at me and softly grunted in response. "Ya don't talk much, do ya?" He didn't respond. Figures.

     "Why'd ya do it?" Daryl finally asked. "Ya killed two people, and then turn around and saved Carl. I just don't get it."

     "Like I said, that was the old me."

     "But why didn't ya just call the cops? I know ya didn't trust 'em, but why? Why didn't ya?"

     "When my dad shot himself, I asked someone to find a friend for me, the cop who took me away from the scene of my dead mom. They said they couldn't because he wasn't family, but he was the only person I had to keep me out of foster care. I'm the way I am because a CPS worker was too much of a coward to bend the rules."

     "Child Protective Services ain't part of the police, they just work with 'em."

     "I know that now, but back when I was fourteen, I assumed they were just a different branch of the police. That's why I said I didn't trust 'em back then. It wasn't until I killed Paw and Rosemary that I found out. I wanted to turn myself in, but they deserved it. I just saved taxpayers money by doin' it myself."

     "Hey." Daryl and I both looked up to see Andrea walk inside the tent.

     "Get the fuck out." I snapped. "Ya shot Daryl, and ya think you can just waltz in here like you're shit don't stink?"

     "I understand that you're mad-" Andrea began.

     "Mad? Ya think I'm mad?" I stood to my feet. "Nah, I ain't mad, I'M PISSED THE FUCK OFF!" I stepped closer towards Andrea and she slowly backed out of our tent, Daryl grunted as he stood up, but followed us. "Your presumptuous folly almost got someone killed, all because miss hoity-toity Annie Oakley decided she needed to fuckin' prove somethin'! Hershel said he didn't want fuckin' guns on the property, and I can understand why. Your blatant disrespect for the rules and the safety of others is gonna get someone fuckin' killed!"

     "Fuck you." Andrea snapped.

     "Nah, bitch, fuck you! Ya ever pull a stunt like that again, I will not hesitate to beat your ass into the ground! Ya fuckin' hear me?"

     "Alright, that's enough." Someone said as they grabbed my wrist. I quickly turned around to see Shane trying to drag me away from Andrea. POW! Shane let go of me as my fist connected with his nose. He stumbled back a few steps before holding his nose in pain.

     "Don't touch me, Shane. Don't ever fuckin' touch me!"

     "What's goin' on?" Rick asked as he ran up to us.

     "Ain't shit goin' on. I told Andrea how it is, and Deputy Dip Shit tried to intervene."

     "So ya broke his nose?"

     "He nearly broke my face. The way I see it, we're even."

     "Did ya even let 'er talk to Daryl?"

     "No." Andrea butted in. "I was going to apologize when she blew up. I even brought him a book to keep him occupied until he's allowed back on his feet." Daryl stepped forward and took the book from her. He skimmed through it before looking back at Andrea.

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now