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     I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping. I opened my eyes to see the tent was being illuminated by the rising sun, I wasn't alone. The gentle sound of snoring filled my ears, when I rolled over, I saw Daryl laying a few feet away from me, dead to the world. How'd did I get here? You'd think Daryl wouldn't want me in his tent after last night. Did he move me or did someone else?

     I slowly sat up, instantly hissing in pain as I applied pressure onto my left hand. I had almost forgot about what happened last night, it almost seemed like a dream. I smelled horrible, like old blood and sweat. I know I wouldn't be able to shower, but I at least needed to change clothes. I dug around in my bag until finding a simple outfit that shouldn't be too big of a struggle to get into.

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     I managed to get myself into my shirt without issues and sighed with relief I was able to slip into my shorts with ease, but then it hit me. The one thing I forgot about... my button and zipper. "Need help?" I looked over at Daryl who was looking at me, half asleep.

     "Did ya watch me change?"

     "Nah, just woke up as ya pulled your pants up. Forgot about the front of your pants, didn't ya?" I nodded in shame. Daryl sat up in bed and turned towards me. "Alright, come here." I walked over towards Daryl and let him button me and zip me up.

     "Thank you." Daryl grunted in response. I walked over to my side of the tent and sat down to put my shoes on.

     "I'm sorry about last night." Daryl sighed. "I was bein' an ass, shouldn't've acted that way."

     "I'm sorry I yelled at ya."

     "Nah, I deserved it." I gently smiled and stood back up.

     "Maybe." Daryl slightly smirked as he laid back down in his bed. "I'll send for ya when breakfast is ready." Daryl nodded and I exited the tent. I needed to check on Beth, see how she was doing, but I also needed to see if the others made it back in the middle of the night. If they're not back yet, so help me God, I will go out there and search all of Georgia until I find them. I entered the house and walked up to Beth's room to see Patricia was already looking in on Beth along with Maggie and Andrea. "How is she?"

     "Dehydrated." Patricia answered. "I'll set up an I.V. Best I can do without Hershel." Patricia exited the room and Maggie sat down on the bed beside Beth, taking her hand into hers.

     "Can I get you anything?" Andrea asked.

     "Nah, I just wish my dad was here." Maggie replied.

     "She'll be okay." I smiled. "Ya just need to be strong for 'er. Rick and Glenn will get your dad back."

     "Glenn's a good guy."

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now