Guardian Angel

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     "I always hated that song." I quickly turned around, my jaw instantly dropped. "Barbie Girl. Whoever wrote that damn song needs to be shot."

     "M-Merle?" I asked.

     "Well it sure as hell ain't Gandhi." Merle smiled.

     "N-No. No, this- this ain't real. Ya can't be real, you're- you're dead."

     "I'm as real as the scars on your back, baby girl."

     "How is this possible? You're dead, this is all in my head." Merle walked up to me and gently placed his hand on my cheek. His hand was warm and soft, it was lifelike.

     "This is real. I'm real." I lowered my face into his chest and cried as I wrapped my arms around him.

     "I missed ya, Merle." I sobbed.

     "I missed ya, too." Merle kissed the top of my head, holding me tight against his chest. My heart suddenly dropped. His heart wasn't beating, and yet he was warm as if blood still ran through his veins. He wasn't real, he was dead, but why am I seeing him?

     "Why did ya go, Merle? Why did ya leave?"

     "I had to baby girl, it was the only way."

     "But it wasn't the only way. He came back. He came back and attacked us. They kidnapped me."

     "I know."

     "He assaulted me, he tried to kill me, he almost-"

     "I know, I know." Merle sighed. "I thought I could kill 'em. Hell, I almost did, but some dumbass got in the way and I shot 'em instead. I'm sorry."

     "What are ya doin' here?" I sniffled.

     "The chinese kid is in trouble."

     "He's korean... wait-" I pulled away from Merle. "Glenn's in trouble?"

     "He's on the balcony above ya, and he ain't doin' too good. By the looks of it, he ain't gonna last much longer." I looked up towards the balcony, hearing the faint sounds of coughing. "Listen, Michaela, whatever happens, ya gotta fight to stay alive. Ya gotta stay alive for me and Daryl, alright?" I nodded. Merle pulled me in for one more hug before pushing me towards the stairs. "Love ya, baby girl."

     "I love you too, Merle." I quickly ran up the stairs and checked Glenn's cell, it was empty. "Henry." I ran towards Henry's cell and gasped as I saw Glenn laying on his side. "Glenn!"

     "HERSHEL!" I quickly ran over to the railing as I heard Lizzie beginning to yell for Hershel. GRAAAAAAAAAGH! A walker lunged at Hershel just as I reached the railing. Hershel fell to the ground as he fought to keep the walker away from him.

     "HERSHEL!" I screamed as I ran for the stairs.

     "Everyone stay in your cells!" Hershel ordered.

     "No!" A blonde woman ran out of her cell and dragged the walker off of him. POP! Another man accidentally fired his handgun as another walker bit down on his arm. Hershel crawled over to a wall in shock.

     "You alright?" I asked Hershel. He quietly nodded as he watched the walker devour the man. "LIZZIE!"

     "Right here!" Lizzie ran up to me, wrapping her arms around me. I picked her up and ran over to my cell and put her on my bed.

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now