Lieutenant Wells

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     This prison was a bad idea from the start. We cleared a cell block, but at a cost of Hershel's leg. He got bit and Rick made the decision to quickly cut it off, amazingly, it worked, he didn't turn. That was when we found out that we weren't alone here, after Rick cut off Hershel's leg we discovered we were being watched by five inmates , clueless ones at that. Their names were Andrew, Axel, Oscar, Tomas, and Big Tiny, and they had absolutely no idea what the hell happened. Last they knew there was a riot and a guard gave Tomas a gun and left them in the cafeteria. We made a deal to clear out a cell block in exchange for half their food, they agreed, but Tomas killed Big Tiny because he got scratched.

     Tomas was a hothead, there was no doubt about that, but after he killed Big Tiny, we knew he would be a threat to us. That wasn't an understatement either, Tomas ended up throwing a walker at Rick, and Rick killed Tomas in return. Andrew retaliated and tried to attack Rick with a baseball bat, but when he failed he took off running, Rick went after him, but he never told us what happened. When it came to the others Oscar was a pretty straight forward guy, but he had an attitude, refused to beg for his life... I won't lie, I respected that. Axel on the other hand was a whiny little bitch, he was definitely unstable. But, we let them live, put them in their own cell block and left them be. That of course didn't last long.

     A few days later Axel and Oscar basically begged us to let them join our group, but we refused. Later that day, some walkers got through into our living area, someone had opened the gate, even let some into our cell block. We thought it had to have been Axel or Oscar who had done it. T-Dog to bit in the process and took off with Carol, Hershel and Beth locked themselves in a fenced in doorway, Lori, Maggie, and Carl took off inside the prison, while the rest of us cleared the yard.

     The alarms suddenly began to go off, and we had no choice but to team up with Axel and Oscar to get them turned off. Oscar had worked in the generator room before, so he knew where to go and what to do, Axel went along just because we didn't trust him to be alone with everyone else. Turns out it was Andrew who set off the alarms and let the walkers in, he managed to make his way back into the prison somehow. If it weren't for Oscar, Rick probably would've died. Oscar shot him with Rick's gun and gave it back to Rick. Amazingly, we actually felt like we could trust these people after that.

     Carol was gone, we couldn't find anything but her headscarf she was wearing that day. Lori had went into labor when she was with Maggie and Carl, she didn't make it. She had complications and Maggie had to cut the baby out. We lost two people in one day, possibly three. This shit wasn't getting any easier. I couldn't help but to wonder if the outcome would've been different if Michaela was with us. She had medical training, maybe she could've saved Lori.

     I had to step up and take charge of the prison after that. Rick went on a killing spree, clearing out all the halls and cell blocks. Maggie and I left to go find some formula, We found a daycare about twenty miles away, had enough formula to last us a few months, even stocked up on some clothes, diapers, bottles, everything Lori's little girl needed, we made sure she got it. I wasn't gonna let this little girl die, I already failed to save Sophia, I ain't gonna lose another.


     The Governor assigned me to clinic duty this morning, after I got off the wall I had to head straight there. I won't lie, I was exhausted. If this was his way of punishing me for my attitude, I think he may have won this round. I entered the clinic and found Dr. Stevens checking on the soldier from the helicopter crash. "Michaela, The Governor told me you were gonna be working with me this morning."

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