Dinner With an Old Friend

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     "Well, don't you look purdy?" Merle laughed as I walked into the living room.

     "Fuck off, old man, it's what was laid out on the bed for me." I grumbled.

     "Listen here, Sugar Tits, we need to talk."

     "Look, I'd love to sit and listen to a story from back when ya were knee high to a grasshopper, but I need to get this bullshit over with."

     "He doesn't eat dinner for another ten minutes, now sit." I let out a sigh and took a seat beside him. "Now, Imma lay down a few ground rules."

     "I ain't-"

     "Just shut up and listen."

     "And ya call me a snarky bitch." Merle slightly chuckled and continued.

     "When you're talkin' to The Governor, there's a few things ya should know. One, he's a charmer, so don't fall for his shit."

     "That won't be a problem."

     "Two, don't believe a fuckin' word he says about this goddamn place. Sure, it's safe, but it ain't all what it appears to be."

     "What do ya mean?"

     "Just let me finish." Merle grumbled. "And three, don't tell 'em about the others. I mean it, not a fuckin' word. If he asks, you were on your own the entire time."

     "Why? Is he not a good guy?"

     "Oh, he's a good guy. Fixed my arm, saved my life. He's a good man, but I don't trust 'em, not around Daryl at least."


     "I'll explain more if ya decide to stay."

     "Why the fuck would I decide to stay?" I asked. "You said it yourself, ya don't trust 'em, this place ain't what it appears to be, why would I wanna stay? Besides I gotta get back out there and find my people."

     "Because ya need my help."

     "I don't need anyone's help."

     "Ya don't even know where the fuck ya are. Ya know nothin' about this area."

     "I don't need to, I just need to get back to Senoia."

     "And how are ya gonna do that? Hotwire a car? Do ya even know how to do that?"

     "I'll walk."

     "Walk?" Merle laughed. "You'd be caught by his people within minutes." Merle scooted closer to me and spoke in a softer tone. "Listen, I've been workin' on a plan ever since I got here, you and I can help each other. You stay and earn his trust, he'll let ya go with me on supply runs and on hunts. He'll test ya out for a while, but once you've gained his complete trust, we'll make a break for it. Ya do this, we escape, and I'll help ya find the others."

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now